Prior to the availability of Google Maps, things were totally different.
I recollect my memories going to an unknown country ,especially a non-english speaking country. In order to travel there, I had to carry maps to travel from one place to another. Finding restaurants was a difficult task, even if I find, I am not sure how it would taste like.
Things have totally changed over the years and Google came to the rescue with its Google maps.
With Google maps , we are free to travel, plan instantly and explore the near by surrounding’s.
I realize it is the feedback of others which is helping me in making my decisions.
So, here I am doing my bit of contribution to the society with the Google maps.
I love travelling, taking pics, trying different types of food, exploring my surrounding’s etc.,
On my way, I explore Google maps and share my experiences, corrections, edits, reviews and snaps.
I believe that a picture speaks thousand words and easy to grasp, has no language barriers. Hence picture’s occupy major part of my contributions
Looking forward to meet fellow guides