I like receiving this type of email.
We need to remember that we are not alone and that something monitors and compliments your work. Even if it comes from an artificial intelligence.
All the best
I like receiving this type of email.
We need to remember that we are not alone and that something monitors and compliments your work. Even if it comes from an artificial intelligence.
All the best
Congratulations @DENIT33 Happy Guiding…
Congratulations @DENIT33 , your work will also be celebrated in this platform. Keep exploring, keep sharing and impacting your world for better.
Google Maps is a Guiding Star made up of Local Guides like you.
Hi @Diplomat_Peter , Thanks for the comment and for encouraging me.
Thanks @Saiyen for the comment.
Good day.
Nice job my friend @DENIT33
Love to see this amazing impact. 5 million views is a lot!
Many Thanks @waza28 , Kind regards
Yes, 5000000 has many zeros … if I reflect on the value of the numbers, how many people are there, it makes my head turn. Thanks for the comment
Take care @AZ_2021
A big congratulations on this impressive achievement @DENIT33 . I’ve written about this metric before and what makes it really special and rewarding is that these are views on places that you yourself added to Maps. This metric clearly shows the reach and impact that your contributions are having! Well done!
Hello @AdamGT , Thank you for your kind and encouraging comment.
Having friends in the local guides connect, who spend a lot of time helping and pointing out achievements has great value to the community, more than we think.
Have a nice day
Big congratulations to you for sure @DENIT33 and cheers for more great contribution in the near future