Hello. Not in sight my estimates on Google maps. That is, I put an assessment of it is visible, but if you exit the account there is no assessment, respectively, other people do not see it either.
Hi @Garincha ,
When I look at your profile I can see that you have 258 points, 11 reviews and 127 star-only-ratings.
Hi @Garincha welcome to local guide connect, and thank you for reaching out. In order for us to assist you, we need to better understand your problem, can you please clarify your problem? You can use your own language that you are good at which may be not English, we will use the translate tool here to translate to English.
Since you are new here I would like to share our 14 helpful tips for using Connect to help you better understand this platform and also this post on How do I write a post on Connect? and since you never shared any photos on Google Maps see this on What photos should I share on Google Maps?. We would like to know you, so please introduce your self by reading how others introduce them selves and do the same by commenting, here is the link Introduce Yourself - November 2019 . Thank you see you around.
Вопрос в том, что не перестали проходить мои оценки на гул картах. То есть ставлю оценку, я её вижу, а другие нет. И если я выйду из своего аккаунта то и я не увижу, оценка не проходит.
Здравствуйте @Garincha
Что Вы имеете в виду под термином “оценки”? Это оценки, которые Вы выставляете местам, которые Вы посетили на Картах (“звезды”) или ваши баллы в Программе Местных экспертов? Уточните, пожалуйста, если есть возможность, добавьте сюда снимок экрана (скриншот).
Hi @Garincha your profile may be made to be private, to make it public, follow this step from this comment make your contribution public or simply follow this link Control who finds your contributions this is the reason why only you from your account can see your contribution and others do not.