You cannot achieve anything ! In this feature.

Hei fellows Local Guides.

You found a strange profile ?


I do not have any single follower.

Did this profile really really profiling I am as a Local Guides ?

Not at all.

Have many friends here in Local Guides Connect.

I have many fellow Local Guides in my real life.

Howvcome it not reflect in my Google Maps profile ?

Do facing the same problems with me ?

Do you have suggestions that should I do ?

Please give me a comment.


Congratulations my friend @BudiFXW ⚘⚘⚘ :thought_balloon: :thought_balloon: :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:

You are always awesome :pray: :pray:


banyak sekali pengikutnya pak @BudiFXW , selamat pak

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HI , @Wisnusetiono and @MAHBUB_HYDER .

Nobody can follow me because my follower feature is not working.

This is what make me sad.

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