yoohoo !!! Share your challenge badges and wins-HEREšŸ†

Congratulations Folks :heart:

The-monument-challenge-results-are-in !

This is getting very interesting now and I am loving it more and more. I canā€™t wait for the next challenge. These challenges are helping us to explore the maps. it is also keeping connect lively always and that I enjoy as a lover of connect. I enjoy it when we have something to interact about here on the forum. As **Community builder **this is a key element for building a community and also for keeping the community together.

  • A community need a focus point or idea or aim or objective or common interest
  • A community needs interactions
  • A community needs to keep together
  • A community needs motivations
  • A community needs builders and buildings
  • A community needs a badgeā€¦

what do you think about these? feel free to share your views,badges and wins. if you have not participated yet,plan to do so come next challenge. If you have not won yet keep trying and donā€™t stop until you have a badge, you will like it. Keep active,keep interacting and keep motivated. Happy week ahead folks


These changes have helped me explore different things and places on Google maps.

All these are the challenges I have won so far on connect. Looking forward to the next or 7h challenge. Letā€™s goā€¦

Happy guiding



Funtastic achievement dear @SholaIB :grinning:


Congratulations @SholaIB on your well-deserved achievement as a ā€˜Five-time Connect Challenge Winnerā€™!


Thank you @ShailendraOjha and @PrasadVR

You are both punctual on connect to comment on posts. Thatā€™s nice. Have a great day.



Thanks @SholaIB for your appreciation! :smiley: