Cover Photo.
This post is on behalf of the Host, LG '@Charms…Please join our virtual meetup for Walk-through of Yogic Culture, by practicing certain Asanas and Breath Regulations. This is organised by @Charms / Shanly K K.
Date/Time: April 21, 2020 (Tuesday), 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM India Standard Time
RSVP / Register here:
Our virtual meetup join link as below. Please join on time. (Please look out for announcements if the virtual meetup link changes)
Request to Login before 5:55 PM to avoid interruption of the session – thank you
A 20 Sec video from Charms
Today’s Agenda
5:00 Self – Introduction of Attendees
5:15 Introduction of our Host
5:20 Introduction of Yogic Culture & Hypno-Yoga, developed by @Charms
5:30 Demonstration: How to practice:
- Pranayama,
- Anuloma-Viloma
5:50 Demo of other Yogic Posters, based on some popular diseases.
6:10 Comments by other Yoga practitioners & Guests
6:15 Interactions with Attendees
6:25 Vote of thanks
6:30 Conclusion
Thanks for making the meetup successful.
@Ddimitra , @veeryoga , @Ant_Bad_Yogi @NitaBC , @PriyankaS1205 @yagokd @AjithCyclist , @Anil6969 @KishorMali
Kindly inform other Like-Minded LGs, so that they can participate.