Yili Garden : China Ancestral Traditions

The Yili Garden (called Jardin Yili in french) is a traditonal Chinese garden established in 2004 in Saint-Rémy-l’Honoré, 40km west of Paris, France.

All its conception and architecture were based on the principles of Yin and Yang the concept of dualism in ancient China philosophy and Feng Shui the use of energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surroundings.

The garden was built by a couple of Chinese horticulturists with materials directly imported from China.

The day I visited Yili Garden was a special day, as the Boyan association which is dedicated to the studies of Chinese traditional culture, was preparing an event about the theme : “China Ancestral Traditions”.
To be more precise, the Boyan association focuses on the ancient Han culture, spanning from Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and earlier until distant antiquity.

Such an asian cultural event here in France is quite uncommon !
Even many of my Chinese friends were not aware about Yili Garden or the Boyan association. So I guess it’s my duty to spread the word !

Here guests can enjoy the multiple performances of the Boyan members, such as singing, dancing with traditional costumes. Kids could try some of the ancient sports and activities. People could buy food specialities from the Sichuan south-western province and taste very rare teas of quality.

To those who love ancient Chinese culture, I highly recommend you to visit the Yili Garden, total change of scenery guaranteed !

A place more than relaxing for the well-being of your mind. For a few hours, I must say I was like transported thousands of years in the past straight in the Middle Kingdom…

Yili Garden on Google Maps : https://goo.gl/maps/ucJ5wpkqMDqfTnWu7

I hope you enjoyed my post and the photos I took ! :slightly_smiling_face:
Please leave your comments to let me know your impressions, whether you appreciate it or not.
If you had the opportunity to visit places such as this one, please feel free to share it here.

Thanks for reading this #ConnectWritingChallenge post!! You can click here to find out more about the challenge and what it takes to make a great Connect post! And feel free to let me know what you think about my post! Do you like it? Do you think it makes for a great reading?


Hi @AdrianLunsong ,
This is one of my inputs for the Community Challenge #ConnectWritingChallenge.

Hope you’ll enjoy it and thanks for all your precious tips that I rigorously followed !


Hello @BernardTran ,

WOW, that’s a great surprise finding this new awesome discovery that you kindly share with all of us.

This Traditional Chinese garden is beautiful and your great photos guide us to discover and feel the magic atmosphere that you perfectly describe as “transported thousands of years in the past straight in the Middle Kingdom…”

Love the well descriptive captions of your photos and admire your way to encourage your children to enjoy the beauties of our nature.

Thank you for sharing with us this great reading that I mention with pleasure to our friends @helga19 , @Julien44 , @LuigiZ


Great post @BernardTran , my Godfather is Chinese and I get amazed always with all the traditions.


I like your post very much @BernardTran

It is interesting to know about such amazing place -Yili Garden.

Really very beautiful place ,which introduce us with Chinese culture , traditions ,performances.

I can only imagine how nice to relax in such idyllic green areas.

The architecture of the garden is perfect.

It seems to me,that this place make a harmony people with nature.

Great,that your post ConnectWriting Challenge.

Best wishes,


Hi @Giuseppe75 , thank you for the tag.

@BernardTran great post, nice pictures and very deep and well explained descriptions. I didn’t know about the existence of such place reminding the Chinese culture around Paris.


Great post @BernardTran ! Layout and text are great with lots of nice photos that are great quality (clearly shows the views and the events taking place). I like that you’ve taken the time to caption the photos properly too. And great topic! A post that is educational and teaches the rest of the world something new is always going to get a ‘like’ from me!


Hi @BernardTran

Yes man, that is a brilliant post and I enjoyed reading it. To be honest, more than everything I enjoyed discovering the Yili Garden and its ancestral traditions. I felt being with you in this beautifull garden.

You have combined everything to make a good post, you deserve being highlighted in @AdrianLunsong 's writting challence :

  • Amazing photos,

  • Great storytelling,

  • Easy to read,

  • Relaxing post,


Thanks for sharing and also thanks the our great italian friend @Giuseppe75 for tagging me.

See you around



Thanks for your detail post @BernardTran .

Photography and Storytelling are really wonderful.

Keep continuing.



It’s always with great pleasure that I read your kind words, many thanks my friend ! :slight_smile:
You know, I consider myself like a techy nerd but I’m also a nature lover. That’s why I always tell to my kids to look forward and be ready for tomorrow technologies while keeping at heart respect for heritage and nature.

Thank you for the kind words !
You know, Chinese culture is 5 millennia old, and among those which have survived the most so far in human civilization. We still got a lot to learn from it…

Thank you ! I’m happy it made it to the top for the 2nd time ! :slight_smile:
Yili garden is a wonderful place, where one could be at peace with all the elements of nature.
Relaxing, peaceful, calm, serene… The ideal place for meditation.

Thanks a lot for your comment !
This place is quite “hidden”, even many people in asian communities here are not aware about its existence.
It’s too bad that people willing to learn more from Chinese culture are all concentrated in Chinatowns of Paris…

Again thank you for all your comments !
Your teachings through your Connect Writing Challenge Tips Basic and Intermediate series largely influenced the way I worked on my posts and I can’t wait to read your next Advance Tips to improve myself even more ! :slight_smile:

Such kind words from you my friend ! Thank you, I’m flattered…
When you said : “**I felt being with you in this beautifull garden”, it makes me really happy, because this is exactly what I want my readers to feel ! I want them to discover a “journey” while enjoying the photos, to feel emotions while reading my lines…

Your kind comment is stimulating me ! I keep continuing !
Many thanks ! :slight_smile:


Very nice post @BernardTran commendable effort indeed. The pictures and the description is so good. Very well written!


Thank you so much @PriyankaRajwar for nice comments ! I really appreciate it ! :slight_smile:

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