Yercaud Heritage Walk II
Lady’s Seat
Yercaud, Tamil Nadu 636601, India
May 11, 2019 @ 10:00 (IST)
Lady’s seat is a spectacular view point overlooking the Ghat region in Yercaud covering entire City of Salem, Shevaroy peak,Mettur Dam, Rose garden and few other viewpoints such as’ Gents Seat and Children’s Seat’.This tourist spot is known after an erstwhile story’ During the British Raj in India, few officers settled in Yercaud and an Officer wife was fascinated by the scenic beauty and she used to visit this spot often and thus it’s known after her ‘ Lady’s These rock formations in seat shapes are named accordingly. The tourists can also have a telescopic view of the entire area which being managed by Tamilnadu Tourism Development Corporation. Sterling Holiday resort is also within the vicinity. The panoramic view of the hills and plains make this destination memorable. Since the claimatic conditions are unpredictable,we will try to concentrate on Ladys seat and if time permits shall include other to locations such as Gents Seat & Children’s seat. Kindly bring with you water to drink also preferably a jacket or a shawl to keep you warm.