Yellow path to the chapel

The first crocuses of the year create a colourful path to the Aghios Christophoros (St. Christopher) chapel at Mavranei village, 10km from Grevena city in Greece


Hello @ThomasBiziouras

Thanks for sharing the beautiful picture about this place, can you elaborate a little bit more about this place so that community understand better about it.

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Hi @IshantHP_ig thank you for your comment. I am afraid I don’t have more info about this church… It is a relatively new church located close to Mavranei village in the Grevena region of Greece. I just shared a recent photo I took a few days ago, showing the first crocus flowers of this year, that surrounded this little church.


Hi @ThomasBiziouras

No need to be afraid:)

community will help you at every stage, you can ask any query related to maps and connect we’ll feel grateful to answer you.

And thanks for the details :slight_smile:


Beautiful shot once again @ThomasBiziouras ! :slight_smile:

I really like the view from the ground focusing on the flowers, and having the building on the background.

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Thank you @DanniS :slight_smile:

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