Yeh gangga

Yeh Gangga


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Hi @Nariendra , thanks for sharing nice photos with us. It’s better adding some details if you post in the Travel category.

Please also review these links to help you using Local Guides Connect and following the guidelines: 14 helpful tips for using Local Guides Connect , topic guidelines on Connect, Local Guides program rules.


Beautiful Capture :heart_eyes: :heart: @Nariendra

Thankss for sharing with us

[ Stay Home, Keep Clean, Stay Healthy and Always Be Happy With Your Friends and Family ]

Best Regards

Omar :bangladesh:


( Click Here & Read My Previous Post )


Hi @Nariendra ,

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

Thank you for your first post on the Travel board. In this board you can see many interesting places others have visited, share your own travel experiences and tips with us, and also your best photo memories.

Thanks also for sharing your photos from Yeh Gangga. It looks very beautiful, but can you please tell us more about it? I think most of the Local Guides here liked it and would be good to have more tips on how to get there. Please also include the Google Maps link of the location for better orientation.

I also like travelling and taking photos and I’m curious to learn more about your contributions as a Local Guide, so please tell us more about you in our monthly Introduce yourself post

I’m looking forward to reading your new posts on Connect :)​​​​​​​

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