As shown in pics I am not getting credit for all my edits in the part that gives a badge for our contributions. This has been going on since way before covid started. I’ve wrote about it before & got no response…


Hello @Kristy1

Understand your frustration.
However, some edits do not qualify the fact-finder badge. These are

Tagging dishes at Restaurants

Edits earned through discover missing info.

Further, if the POI for which we suggest edit becomes non-existent (through merger or deletion), the edit becomes private & doesn’t count on the badge.

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I understand what your saying, I don’t agree with Google though if that’s how they do things because that’s not what it shows it shows that if you make 100 approved edits you reach the goal they have set! If you notice my facts checked number is the same and they only reason the Answers numbers are off by 6 or 7 points is because I answered some right before I took the screenshots. So why would all the rest count the same but the edits not? An Approved Edit is an Approved Edit and look , added businesses, wrong addresses, etc. It’s not about the badge, lol- it’s about the fact that I spent hours, days and weeks of my life to help make Google Maps better for everyone, including myself and I don’t expect money or praise, it makes me feel good to feel know that I’m a part of something bigger than myself. I just want the work I’ve done to be shown correctly. Also, Edits are mostly private like I said its not about a badge, a perk or bragging rights it’s about my hard work being shown correctly and being treated like I’m appreciated. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way. Again, this was way before Covid.

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Hello @Kristy1

I understand your plight I am facing the same thing. Infact it just seems that my edits are going unnoticed or not recorded anymore . I have been stuck on a particular figure for months unending now. It dampens the incentives to do more really. I appreciate @C_T comment and assistance but the truth remains that it needs to be clarified by Google,as to what Edits really are. There is the issue of discrepancies in the points as well and delay in verifying edits etc. Some edits go pending for ages!!!

Anyway I manage to keep contributing as map edit is really my thing. Cheer up Kristy and keep trying

Best regards