We here in Karachi are preparing the next World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up that will be the 24th of February 2018. We invite you to join us and Showcase the Beauty of our beautiful City to the World. Lets gather and join it. In this meet-up we would explore the historical and architectural sites and buildings of Karachi. you can even come with your mobile camera, no need of any special capturing device.
These days I will go through all the meet-ups approved preparing the Recap of Recaps Video
(Probably you will read this message in different places, I want to be sure everyone read it )
It would be great if you will record yourself in your Meet-Up (or anywhere if it is not possible) and say something like “Hello I am/we are (name of participants or community) from City, Country and Continent” and upload the video to this share album plus a maximum of 10 photos of your city (the ones you will make in the Meet-Up) and we will Showcase the Beauty of your City in a collaborative video with the rest ones participating in this World Wide Photo Walk.
I use a basic editor and 360º pics don´t work good… standars ones are better.
if you think 10 aren’t enough you can upload collages or animations as the ones made with google photos, but maximun upload 10 (sorry :)) plus the video.
@Bilal_shaikh best of luck of your great Meet-Up, you choose very beautiful place for it, waiting it’s great RECAP, also tell us about the preparations of your Meet-up, hope that tips will be helpful for us too