These days I will go through all the meet-ups approved preparing the Recap of Recaps Video
(Probably you will read this message in different places, I want to be sure everyone read it )
It would be great if you will record yourself in your Meet-Up (or anywhere if it is not possible) and say something like “Hello I am/we are (name of participants or community) from City, Country and Continent” and upload the video (later, when you can but before 1th of March) to this share album plus a maximum of 10 photos of your city (the ones you will make in the Meet-Up) and we will Showcase the Beauty of your City in a collaborative video with the rest ones participating in this World Wide Photo Walk.
I use a basic editor and 360º pics don´t work good… standars ones are better.
if you think 10 aren’t enough you can upload collages or animations as the ones made with google photos, but maximun upload 10 (sorry :)) plus the video.