Всем привет! Уж как то мы очень редко собираемся. Есть повод… В рамках международного события World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up предлагаю прогуляться по городу и пофоткать интересные места. Готов выслушать предложения относительно маршрута! Стартуем от Альтанки.
Looking foward to the dicover the Beauty of Ucraine though your videos and photos.
The same as I told you in your other meet-up: remember to record a video with your name or participants or community saying “HEllo we are… from city, country, continent” and if you want to add more… do it And a maximun of 10 pics to this share album
Awesome to see you joining in together, @AndriyDegula and Ukraine Local Guides. Thanks for showcasing beautiful Sumy, wintery, snow covered city, historic graceful architecture. Looks like you had a lovely day. Kudos for going back to back with multiple meet-ups for World Wide Photo Walk. Thanks again and kindest regards from Osaka78