World Wide Photo Walk in IKOMA

World Wide Photo Walk IKOMA


Misato, Heguri, Ikoma District, Nara Prefecture 636-0904, Japan

February 24, 2018 @ 09:00 (JST)

ワールドワイド・フォトウォーク in 生駒山系



実際に参加できなくても「ローカルガイド コネクトで会話に参加しましょう」をクリックしてくださいね。会話だけも大丈夫。

During the Worldwide Photo Walk event (, we will host a Photo Walk Ikoma,Japan.

We will visit amazing ,astonishing and mysterious place in IKOMA. That is called “Three Ship Stones”. There are three giant stones in the shape of a canoe near the eighth stop of the Yata hill(Heguri) behind the Funayama shrine. It has been believed as Ship Stones that Gods of Ikoma used to get on the ground.(Polytheism is believed in Japan). Join us to get more informations!

RSVP here


Hello @user_not_found ,

I am very very vey happy you have joined us :grinning: :grin:.

It´s great Japon is in and we will discover the beauty of the exotic city of Ikoma.

I have just added the meet-up to the World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up, Showcase the Beauty of your City to the World.

Warm regards from the South of Spain,



¡Hola! @AlejandraMaria

Muchas gracias por agregando mi meetup.

Esta foto es uno de mis recuerdos cuando viajé a España en 1994.

Saludos desde IKOMA



Hola @user_not_found

Creo que reconozco el sito :smirk:!!!

Durante un tiempo, cogía el tren en Cádiz hasta Granada (para ir a la Universidad) y se pasaba por Antequera (Málaga) y se veía la montaña del Indio.

Además era por el año 1994. Igual coincidimos en el mismo lugar :smiley: :smile:

Un saludo, Alejandra.


Dear @aapotts @stevendocomo @MarchinoinGiappone @Anonymous_90a139d3aa6fa9f20984283dad75d67a @Sugakori @Ashygg3 @_JAPAN @UD-Pan-channnel @AM0820 @Kyon , hope all’s well. World Wide Photo Walk IKOMA is on together with World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up, Showcase the Beauty of your City to the World. You’re welcome and invited to join in. It’s going to be fun. Kind regards from Osaka78 RSVP here


Dear @YasumiKikuchi @RyoI @AlaminBD , hope all’s well. World Wide Photo Walk IKOMA is on as part of World Wide Photo Walk Meet-Up, Showcase the Beauty of your City to the World. You’re welcome and invited to join in. Kind regards from Osaka78 RSVP here


Wow @user_not_found , this place looks amazing. I’m sure your meet up will be very interesting, I wish you all the best!

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Hi, @ValeriaA

Thanks a lot for your comment!

Yeah, it’s very very astonishing place.

Stay tune, our “recap”.


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Please tag me when you post your recap @user_not_found :slight_smile: See you around!

ふぁんトント_toyo ha escrito:

Hi, @ValeriaAumasque

Thanks a lot for your comment!

Yeah, it’s very very astonishing place.

Stay tune, our “recap”.


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@ValeriaA ¡Muy bien!



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And here is the Mymaps of the meetup.

Great job @user_not_found , it will be a great moment

I wish you all the best, can’t wait to see the photos




Thanks a looooooooooooooooot!



You are super welcom @user_not_found .

All the best from Italy


HI @user_not_found ,

These days I will go through all the meet-ups approved preparing the Recap of Recaps Video :blush:

(Probably you will read this message in different places, I want to be sure everyone read it :grinning: :grin:)

It would be great if you will record yourself in your Meet-Up (or anywhere if it is not possible) and say something like “Hello I am/we are (name of participants or community) from City, Country and Continent” and upload the video (later, when you can but before 1st of March) to this share album plus a maximum of 10 photos of your city (the ones you will make in the Meet-Up) and we will Showcase the Beauty of your City in a collaborative video with the rest ones participating in this World Wide Photo Walk.

I use a basic editor and 360º pics don´t work good… standars ones are better.

if you think 10 aren’t enough you can upload collages or animations as the ones made with google photos, but maximun upload 10 (sorry :)) plus the video.

Let´s do this together.

Good Afternoon from the South of Spain,


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Nice Pic.

@user_not_found wrote:
World Wide Photo Walk IKOMA


Misato, Heguri, Ikoma District, Nara Prefecture 636-0904, Japan

@February 24, 2018 @ 09:00 (JST)

ワールドワイド・フォトウォーク in 生駒山系



実際に参加できなくても「ローカルガイド コネクトで会話に参加しましょう」をクリックしてくださいね。会話だけも大丈夫。

During the Worldwide Photo Walk event (, we will host a Photo Walk Ikoma,Japan.

We will visit amazing ,astonishing and mysterious place in IKOMA. That is called “Three Ship Stones”. There are three giant stones in the shape of a canoe near the eighth stop of the Yata hill(Heguri) behind the Funayama shrine. It has been believed as Ship Stones that Gods of Ikoma used to get on the ground.(Polytheism is believed in Japan). Join us to get more informations!

RSVP here

@Dar Thank you!