World Wide Hospital Edit Walk

World Wide Hospital Edit Walk


Bode thomas Area of Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria

Meeting point before going out is Leisure Mall Surulere.

February 03, 2018 @ 10:00 (WAT)

Hello Local Guides and Welcome to The Worldwide Hospital Edit Walk. This initiative is a community self driven idea by we Local Guides been put in place to help our community by providing quality contributions to the Google maps to help people in our community in times of need. On this day our focal point would be to add hospitals & medical centres on Google Maps. No matter wherever you are in the world we encourage you to join hands and make an impact in your community by providing useful information about hospitals & medical centres in your community. No contribution is too small. Even if it’s just by adding, answering questions, edit and inputting a photo all are welcome and appreciated, because no matter our little your contribution is, it can actually help people in times of need to either locate, know about or have an overview about the place. The kick off date is February 3rd 2018 we encourage you all to participate either by joining or creating a Meetup. To know how to create or organize a Meetup, please visit this useful link found on the LocalGuides homepage: After participating in the Meetup we would be gathering some statistics to actually have an overview how the event went, so I would be encouraging you to share some details in this form here: Thank you for joining in and if you have any questions please don’t fail to ask.

RSVP here


Hospital is one of the emergency facilities we cannot run from. and it is a thing of a joy for someone to find what he or she is looking for when in need of that the most.

for this i’m challenging you all to come and help someone to locate Hospital in your area; by adding, editing or making a review.

this will boost your point and you will be happy that you help someone in need.

who is ready for this? lets go…

@HelloSamsonR @SanyaOdare @OSAMA @KarenVChin @Osaka78forTRUMP @TManojK @Justine2807 @LaxmiG1


I totally agree your point and I’m already into this very recently :slight_smile: @Sagir it’s really good to know that you too feel the same way I feel :slight_smile: @Sagir


2018 is challenging year bro @Sagir :slight_smile:

i accept the challenge :wink:

@HelloSamsonR what do you think ??


@OSAMA wrote:

2018 is challenging year bro @Sagir :slight_smile:

i accept the challenge :wink:

@HelloSamsonR what do you think ??

Of course @OSAMA this is a great stuff. @Sagir Count me in.


Wonderful @Sagir ! Woo Hoo!! Great to read that you are wanted to kick off 2018 right by creating here on Connect a Worldwide Local Guides Community challenge.

I highly recommend you define, plan and create your Worldwide Hospital Edit and Review Challenge Meet-up using the easy online Local Guides Meet-up Tools. I also recommend that you expand your WorldWide Edit and Review Challenge to include medical clinics, doctor’s offices, etc. since there a limited number of hospitals in a city.

Each Local Guide community who decides to join your challenge will create their own meet-up event invite using this tool. You should also pick a start and end date for your Challenge.

Successful Worldwide Challenges usually happen over a 2 day weekend because not every community can do it on the same day and having it on a weekend you will get more Local Guides willing to participate.

I highly recommend you review and study the active What Are Your Tips for 1st Time Meet-up Hosts board. It’s a great Local Guides Connect resource to learn what works and doesn’t work when creating meet-ups.

Finally, three mega “rock star” Local Guides who have organized and hosted very successful Worldwide meet-ups last year are @HelloSamsonR @OSAMA (thanks guys for already “cheering” Sagir on), and @BudionoS . They are awesome Local Guides to know and are fantastic resources in learning how to create fun, high impact Worldwide Local Guides meetup events. Just ask for help. They can direct you to each of their Worldwide Meet-up boards here on Connect and help provide you their insight of what worked and didn’t work for them.

The key to hosting a fun, successful Worldwide event is being organized, motivating, friendly and helpful.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, here in the United States, especially where I live in San Francisco, there is rarely any “adding” or “editing” hospitals to Google Maps because we already have Street View photos on Google Maps. The information rarely changes and Google Maps clearly is marked where the hospitals, medical clinics, and doctor’s offices are.

I’ve already reviewed my local hospitals and medical office buildings in my city.

I look forward to seeing and reading your Worldwide Challenge recap here on Connect.

Good Luck!




Without Friends inspiring and encouraging we can’t success in hosting WW Meetups or challenges @KarenVChin :smiley:

Your comment must be a separate Thread :slight_smile:

Very helpful and informative and before all it’s motivational :slight_smile:


Ahh @OSAMA , you are Mr. Local Guides Connect. You took on and hosted a WW Meet-up last year with smashing success. You have the pearls of wisdom to share, not I.



@OSAMA wrote:

Without Friends inspiring and encouraging we can’t success in hosting WW Meetups or challenges @KarenVChin :smiley:

Your comment must be a separate Thread :slight_smile:

Very helpful and informative and before all it’s motivational :slight_smile:


Plus you know how to make even Osama blush @KarenVChin :-))))

:medal_military::gem:Karen :gem::medal_military:

You are one of the World Hidden Gems :gem:


@Sagir I am ready!!

Thanks for this idea share. Otherwise I am regularly try to edit any Missing info on maps. Hospital edits are most important than others.

Happy Guiding!!!


@KarenVChin i’m out of words… your information is very helpfull and timely…

i will include all of the recomendations you mentioned.


@KarenVChin wrote:

Wonderful @Sagir ! Woo Hoo!! Great to read that you are wanted to kick off 2018 right by creating here on Connect a Worldwide Local Guides Community challenge.

I highly recommend you define, plan and create your Worldwide Hospital Edit and Review Challenge Meet-up using the easy online Local Guides Meet-up Tools. I also recommend that you expand your WorldWide Edit and Review Challenge to include medical clinics, doctor’s offices, etc. since there a limited number of hospitals in a city.

Each Local Guide community who decides to join your challenge will create their own meet-up event invite using this tool. You should also pick a start and end date for your Challenge.

Successful Worldwide Challenges usually happen over a 2 day weekend because not every community can do it on the same day and having it on a weekend you will get more Local Guides willing to participate.

I highly recommend you review and study the active What Are Your Tips for 1st Time Meet-up Hosts board. It’s a great Local Guides Connect resource to learn what works and doesn’t work when creating meet-ups.

Finally, three mega “rock star” Local Guides who have organized and hosted very successful Worldwide meet-ups last year are @HelloSamsonR @OSAMA (thanks guys for already “cheering” Sagir on), and @BudionoS . They are awesome Local Guides to know and are fantastic resources in learning how to create fun, high impact Worldwide Local Guides meetup events. Just ask for help. They can direct you to each of their Worldwide Meet-up boards here on Connect and help provide you their insight of what worked and didn’t work for them.

The key to hosting a fun, successful Worldwide event is being organized, motivating, friendly and helpful.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, here in the United States, especially where I live in San Francisco, there is rarely any “adding” or “editing” hospitals to Google Maps because we already have Street View photos on Google Maps. The information rarely changes and Google Maps clearly is marked where the hospitals, medical clinics, and doctor’s offices are.

I’ve already reviewed my local hospitals and medical office buildings in my city.

I look forward to seeing and reading your Worldwide Challenge recap here on Connect.

Good Luck!




@OSAMA : thanks for accepting this. lets do it…


Hi @Sagir

Good on you for showing great initiative to get this challenge on the way. It was super talking to you on Google Hangouts - The Worldwide Google Maps Volunteer Hangouts last Friday about this. It was also fabulous to see Lagos and where you work.

I am so happy you have taken it on in such an excellent motivational manner.

As we spoke of, (and Karen has stated about America), In Australia the Hospitals are already on Google Maps with Google Street view images in all areas. Google Maps is so efficient and effective with Google Earth in always being the best for all information and directional purpose. We as Google Maps Local Guides members are so lucky with that being so. Getting reviews for them is already a well noted action by many top Local Guide members too. Mostly all good too which is a great thing.

I talked to you about in our area on Sydney’s Northern Beaches there is a massive new Hospital being constructed and it will be wonderful when completed. The plans are magnificent.all the latest medical technical wonders will be available.

Making your challenge about getting reviews and the latest up to date information of what is available in every hospital is a great challenge. Plus with so many hospitals world wide always needing extra funding for research and resources, who to contact in getting permission for fund raising events with a simple email request and or Phone call or Google Hangout meeting can be part of what you make this challenge about.

Getting the contact numbers and addresses for fund raising and research departments then taking on that as a purpose and goal to work towards in your Google Maps Local Guides Connect Challenge is a fantastic idea.

There was an inquiry about finding out about helping the local hospital fund raising and how to go about it just the other day in G+ Sydney Local Guides, The G+ community moderator Paul Sneddon highlighted it in the community, so your idea for making it a Local Guides Hospitals, Fund raising, Contact information, Challenge will work really well. Congratulations!

All the advice from @KarenVChin is excellent as always. I will assist in any way I can, in sharing the challenge and making it a set mission to achieve world wide working together your idea will be a great success. With help from @OSAMA , @HelloSamsonR and @BudionoS as top meetup organisers it will a great Local Guides Connect challenge all round!




Dear @Sagir , hope all’s well. Yes, count us in. @AnuradhaP , are you up for Sagir’s hospitals challenge? AnuradhaP, we’d love to get something going with you for emergency services since you wrote about how Google Maps helped to save a life. Thank you for your initiative, Sagir. Kind regards from Osaka78


Dear @Sagir , hope all’s well. Have you decided on a date? Kind regards from Osaka78


thank you all for your kind comments and ready for the challenge.

the Date is 3rd February, 2018

Time should be between 10am to 4pm GMT. ( please any community that is participating should use the local time of that region within the period)

the excercise should not be limited to Hospitals alone; any medical related facility should be included as @KarenVChin advises.

comnunity that is taking part should create a meet up using and a Recap link will be provided here later.

i wish you all happy mapping…



@Osaka78forTRUMP @Justine2807 @ShafiulB @OSAMA @KarenVChin @HelloSamsonR


Am sure @DrShaunak will like the idea @Sagir :mega::mega::mega::+1:

Am in :slight_smile:


Yes! of course. I accepted this challenge deeply and i agree with you for helping to the peoples. It’s really great challenge in 2018. Thank you so much @Sagir for encouraged Local Guides.


I am ready @Sagir . Hope i will arrange a meet up announce sooner…

Happy Guiding !!!


for details check this link please.