World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up

World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up

Porto Fluviale Streeet Art

Via del Porto Fluviale, 10, 00154 Roma RM, Italy

December 16, 2017 @ 11:00 (CET)

Nell’ambito del World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up di cui potete leggere qui: ecco l’evento di Roma! Ci incontreremo nella zona del Porto Fluviale, ed andremo alla scoperta di tutti i nuovi locali che sono sorti in zona negli ultimi anni. Dal pesce, agli aperitivi, e concluderemo con un bel cocktail bar! E mentre ci sposteremo andremo alla scoperta della street art della zona; portate la macchina fotografica, ovviamente!

RSVP here


Very interesting meet-up @LucioV !

You will have a great time exploring the Porto Fluviale.:blush:


@LucioV Io non mancherò :hugs::wink:


@DanielaBP wrote:

@LucioV Io non mancherò :hugs::wink:

E vorrei vedere! :smiley:

Thanks @AlejandraMaria it’s a fresh new area, with a lot of street art and great foodies!


What a wonderful romantic MEETUP

@LucioV :heartbeat: @DanielaBP

Yummy Yummy :blush::+1::blush:


Awesome, LucioV :slight_smile:

PS Dear @Aris997 @Skierin @user_not_found @MarcoMeetup @Emanuelakoala @MauroBi @GabrieleDAmbrosio @manulele81 @EugenioP @JacopoFamularo , hope all’s well. New World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up in Rome, hosted by LucioV. Join in, help spread the word. It’s going to be fun. Kind regards from Osaka78

PS Caro @ Aris997 @Skierin @Ginop @MarcoMeetup @Emanuelakoala @MauroBi @GabrieleDAmbrosio @ manulele81 @EugenioP @JacopoFamularo, spero che vada tutto bene. Nuovo meetup di World Wide Food Crawl a Roma, ospitato da LucioV. Partecipa, aiuta a diffondere la parola. Sarà divertente. Cordiali saluti da Osaka78


Grazie Lucio, ci vediamo il 16 Dicembre ! e Buona Giornata !


Hola Lucio stavolta ce la dovrei fare! (febbri e malanni vari permettendo…)

con corredo di: smartphone, reflex digitale e reflex analogica (rigorosamente meccanica!) con pellicola ovviamente BN.

e mi sa che mi porterò anche la zeiss ikonta 6x6… :slight_smile:

a presto! e che giove pluvio ci assista

LucioV ha scritto:
World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up

Porto Fluviale Streeet Art

Via del Porto Fluviale, 10, 00154 Roma RM, Italy

December 16, 2017 @ 11:00 (CET)

Nell’ambito del World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up di cui potete leggere qui: ecco l’evento di Roma! Ci incontreremo nella zona del Porto Fluviale, ed andremo alla scoperta di tutti i nuovi locali che sono sorti in zona negli ultimi anni. Dal pesce, agli aperitivi, e concluderemo con un bel cocktail bar! E mentre ci sposteremo andremo alla scoperta della street art della zona; portate la macchina fotografica, ovviamente!

RSVP here




Thanks for a good info


Hope it will be a great meet up…


Dear @ShafiulB , hope all’s well. Are you hosting a meet-up for World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up - Must Try in Your City this time? Kind regards from Osaka78

@ShafiulB wrote:

Hope it will be a great meet up…

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wow congrats bro your meet-up will attended by 5 local guides which is good. keep it up!

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Dear @user_not_found @VAugustoV @Ambro @VicL1 @maurocalbi @user_not_found @Filiberto @AndreaMagro88 @Allaboutyou23 @GnokK , hope all’s well. World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up is hosted for Italy Local Guides as part of World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up - Must Try in Your City. All welcome. You’re invited to join in the fun. Kind regards from Osaka78 RSVP here

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Dear @marcoliuzzi_local @Magdalena0 @Ioriman @Maxcrack @GiuseppeFazi @pedrovonsimson @Seguilbianconiglio , hope all’s well. World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up is on for Italy Local Guides as part of World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up - Must Try in Your City. All welcome. You’re invited to join in the fun. Kind regards from Osaka78 RSVP here

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Dear @Osaka78forTRUMP , grazie molto for the invitation ! Sadly, adesso sono in gli Stati Uniti… Buon Natale a tutti

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Dear @Magdalena0 , hope all’s well. Thanks for quick reply. Some World Wide Food Crawl meet-up locations available for US Local Guides, in case you want to participate, you can find those meet-ups on the map. Thanks again and kind regards from Osaka78

@Magdalena0 wrote:

Dear @Osaka78forTRUMP , grazie molto for the invitation ! Sadly, adesso sono in gli Stati Uniti… Buon Natale a tutti

Dear @luigisalsini @DocAlbert @fra_pezzi @stefanomo @Meme @Eri10 @BiobottegaLamezia @Alessia1989italia @user_not_found @Briscolo81 , hope all’s well. World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up is on for Italy Local Guides as part of World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up - Must Try in Your City. All welcome. You’re invited to join in the fun. Kind regards from Osaka78 RSVP here

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Dear @Pasquale @user_not_found @piodalcin @giovinarusso @AdrianoMorelli , hope all’s well. World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up is hosted for Local Guides in Italy as part of World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up - Must Try in Your City. All welcome. You’re invited to join in the fun. RSVP here Kind regards from Osaka78

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Cheers, @Osaka78forTRUMP ! Eventually, somewhere :slight_smile:

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