18 Chiwari-65 Kurokawa, Morioka-shi, Iwate-ken 020-0402, Japan
December 16, 2017 @ 13:00 (JST)
岩手の美味しいものを紹介しましょう!今回のIWATE LOCAL WALKは世界の様々な地域とのコラボイベント、World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Upに参加します。 このイベントでは岩手で有名な3大麺ではなく、あえてひっつみ、そばなどを紹介していきたいと思います。もちろん提案も受け付けますので、何かあればお気軽にご連絡下さい。 持ち物はスマホがあればOK。食事代は各自負担になります。2軒目以降は同行しなくても構いません。 現地集合となりますが、移動手段のない方がいれば車にのせていくこともできますので連絡してください。 みなさんのご参加、お待ちしております! 当日の動き(予定) 13:00 ひっつみ亭 14:30 喫茶店(未定) 16:00 解散 ----English version----- Let’s introduce the foods in Iwate, Japan! This is a collaborate event with World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up. This time, I wanna present some foods that are not famous foods “Sandaimen (Three famous noodles)” in Iwate. For example, Soba, Hittsumi etc. Of course I can hear your opinion as well. If you have a good idea, tell me anytime. You need to have your smartphone and the money for your lunch and dessert. And if you can’t to go to the place, we’ll bring you to there by our cars. Tell me as soon as possible. I’m waiting for you to join us! Schedule 13:00 Gather at Hittsumitei in Yahaba and enjoy lunch 14:30 Move to a cafe(not decides yet) 16:00 Finish
Let’s introduce the foods in Iwate, Japan! This is a collaborate event with World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up.
This time, I wanna present some foods that are not famous foods “Sandaimen (Three famous noodles)” in Iwate. For example, Soba, Hittsumi etc.
Of course I can hear your opinion as well. If you have a good idea, tell me anytime.
You need to have your smartphone and the money for your lunch and dessert. And if you can’t to go to the place, we’ll bring you to there by our cars. Tell me as soon as possible.
I’m waiting for you to join us!
13:00 Gather at Hittsumitei in Yahaba and enjoy lunch
@HiroyukiTakisawa This is an amazing idea and would love to join. When will this event be held? And, isn’t oyster season now? I would like to add an oyster and sake into this soba event! Iwate is very famous for oysters. If you give a specific date I can go there, no problem.
@HiroyukiTakisawa December 16th is my last day of work…Could you change this date before reservations fill up? 17th would be perfect. Or, any other saturday…
Hi @HiroyukiTakisawa and thank you for responding. Sunday and Monday 17th and 18th are my holidays, so if we could meet then that would be great.
I am definitely interested in the 3 soba style tour, and the oysters with sake! I know it is snowing up there, and as for onsen information I don’t need it, unless it
Iwate is a beautiful prefecture, but unfortunately I will not be able to attend the meet-up in December 16-17th, as our resort will be in a busy period.