16-1 Uchimaru, Morioka-shi, Iwate-ken 020-0023, Japan
December 17, 2017 @ 18:00 (JST)
岩手の美味しいものを紹介するしましょう!今回のIWATE LOCAL WALKは世界の様々な地域とのコラボイベント、World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Upに参加します。 16日に開催されるWorld Wide Food Crawl Iwateの夜編となるこのAct.2では、三陸の美味しい牡蠣と岩手のお酒を紹介します。 持ち物はスマホがあればOK。食事代は原則割り勘になりますが、お酒を飲まない人には配慮させていただきます。集合は現地でとなります。 みなさんのご参加、お待ちしております! ----English version----- Let’s introduce the foods in Iwate, Japan! This is a collaborate event with World Wide Food Crawl Meet-Up. This is an night version of World Wide Food Crawl Iwate on 16th Dec. In Act 2, we present oyster of Sanriku, Iwate and Sake. You need to have your smartphone and the money for your meal. I’m waiting for you to join us again!
Great move, @HiroyukiTakisawa . Your photo looks great. Delicious oysters. We will come help you spread the word soon. How far, do you think, will Japan Local Guides travel for oysters that good? Kind regards from Osaka78
Not yet! I just moved to Nagoya in August but hope to meet some local guides. Just too busy, and in Tokyo on the dates you suggested for this event. ;(
Hopefully you and @HiroyukiTakisawa can meet-up while you’re in Japan, @NathanGildart . Many awesome Japan Local Guides. Such a beautiful country. Hiroyuki is just back from San Francisco, you know. Absolute champion. Kind regards from Osaka78