
Local Guides Community.

Welcome to the.

WORLD :earth_asia: __OF BADGES__

When I joined LG Connect to till this date I saw many posts and Read them Also.

Many Local guides asked me about badges.Some Announcement Already Given by Google Formal Contributer &Google administrator, Google moderators.

Many Local guides ask this question, and Many connect moderators reply this.

So One question asked multiple times, it’s takes a also our useful time.

So I think Make a Post that contain All Information that very Useful for New Local guides and also for Current Local guides on this Platform.

Many local guides don’t know or aware about badges, and it’s Procedure.

So I thought make a Master Post That contain all above this, and The Advantage of this post is that, it’s saves a time & All information that need a new local guide about badges, in one post.

Here, In this post I Conclude These Points.

  • Definition of Both Platforms.
  • Google Maps &Local guides Connect.
  • Definition of Badges, Impotance Of Badges.
  • Relationship between two platforms.
  • How to Contribute on these platforms?? (Method)
  • Different Categories, different points Image (only for Google Maps)
  • Points &Levels Image
  • Master Combined Image, means All badges in one image.(Google Maps& Local guides Connect)
  • Profile Badges (both Platforms)
  • Badges Image (Individual Category)
  • Important FAQs
  • I also attach Important Links.
  • And Also For An Example, Some Profiles, that you visit.
  • Useful Precautions.
  • If you want to read that you also read this post.
  • But If want to Listen!? Don’t Worry, it also available here.You can Also listen about badges. Threw LetsGuide Podcast.I provide you link for this.

Here, This article In 2 Parts.

(1) Google Maps Badges.

(2) Local Guides Connect Badges.

Google Maps:

Google Maps is a Web-based service that provides detailed information about geographical regions, Sites,Locations,and many more in All Over World.

Road View, Satellite view, 360°view you are also get on this.

You are also see photos, reviews, ratings about place on this.

The distance between two locations and And what amount of time needed to reach your destination it also shows.

You are also do contribute On Google maps to Improve and Development of this platform.

You can do Contribute on Google Maps to become a Local Guide.

Google Maps Policy.

Local Guides Connect:

It’s The Platform that many people like Google Moderators, connect moderators, Google Administrator, Google Formal Contributer and Specially Many Local guides are available all over the world.

Here, you are publish different posts under different Categories.

And Many useful things you are do on this platform.

Connect is the community forum for Local Guides: people who share reviews, photos, and knowledge on Google Maps to help others explore the world.

Local Guides Program Terms&Conditions, Policy

Relationship Between Google Maps& Local Guides Connect:

Simply, Google Maps introduce it’s new programme, that name is Local guides Connect.

Main Purpose of this, Motivate more local guides and also create new local guides with help of iti awesome functionality and Makes Local guides Community.

Where All local guides from different location of Earth, meet on One place.


Badges are simply the acknowledgement of our activity.

It’s, You say that you get a prize for your Contributions.

Badges Like Gamification.

The badges are motivate local guides to do quality Contributions.

Importance Of Badges:

Badges show that one short measurement, as Example, This local guide has this badge means that he do no of times contributions, in this category.

It also shows that Amount of Local guides Contributions.

Some badges also shows that the, mastery of It’s Special Field.

Different Types of Badges shows different Specifications of the local guide.

It also, say that which Position on they has.

Now, I Introduce Major Part of this post.

Badges gives a One another Identity, Like I am @KishorMali Level 8 Local guide.

It’s Like reward or output, that as input, you do Contributions.


How to Contribute??

On google Maps, that various category available to contribute…


Add a place

Gives a Rating, Review of place

Fact checking

Road adding

Map adding

Respond Q&A

Suggesting Edits

Publishing of Lists

Adding of photos

Adding of Videos

And it’s also have different points.

Caption: This photo I take from Google maps because I haven’t.It suggest All Categories and their different Points.

Here I use this image because I haven’t, purpose to help more local guides.


On Completion on these types contributions, you also get Levels, that one by one you achieve them.

It’s upto Level 1 to Level 10.

After Level 10 , there is no another level available, till this date no new level introduce by Google team.


Profile Badges:

After completing of One level to goes another level, the profile images also you earn them.

And it’s change with your increasing of Contributions.

Caption:Image shows different Levels and their according profile badges.

Here I use this image because I haven’t, purpose to help more local guides.

Points, Levels and Badging

Different Badges:

Before I start this there 3 level of these badges.

(1) Novice

(2) Expert

(3) Master

You shows all above in image.
And what the measurements to achieve above novice, Expert and Master levels in badges, that all are in images.

All Badges of Google Maps

Reviewer Badge:

Here, when you Review of places that your contribution count under this.

When you visit place, what are you feel?, what Experience you get, Quality, Service, cleanliness, atmosphere, behavior of Owner&Staff, Availability, Accessibility, Unique thing, about place, you write in your Review.

And also gives a Ratting of place.

It’s one point for Rating.

More than 200 Characters of Review has 10 more additional Points.

Means if you gives a Rating and Review with more than 200 characters of place that you directly Get 21 points.

Meet The Master Reviewer

Importance Of Your Reviews

Fact Finder Badge:

You are answer the questions to contribute In this.

You are suggest the edits like

That you find that it’s wrong and you need to change with your right information.Examples like

Time of place, Phone number, location,Remove or close place

If your edits are approve by Google maps then your contributions count in this.

And also get 5 more points of edits.

You get 1 point for answering each question.

When you are answering the quick response questions you get 3 points.

Meet The Master Fact Finder

Photographer Badge:

When you visit any place, take photos of that place and upload on google Maps.

This badge is most popular on Google Maps. I see many local guides Google map profiles, the major contribution is this category.
You get 5 points of uploading a photo.


Don’t upload Selfies
Don’t upload unusual photos
Don’t upload group photos
Don’t upload family photos
Don’t upload personal photos
Don’t upload copyright photos
Don’ upload Google images as photos
Don’t upload one photo multiple times
Don’t upload blur photos
Don’t upload those photos that don’t related to place
Don’t upload many photos of one place.

I suggest upload 5-6 photos of one place and upload good quality photos.

Only upload those photo who capture by yourself.

One additional thing about this is that, it contain a one badge that you show on both platforms in your profile.

Meet The Top Photographer On Google Maps.(On March 6,2019)


Street View Photographer Badge:

Yes, it’s Google Street View Trusted photographer.

360° photo contain all information about places, Place’s Look, Atmosphere, And many more.

You capture 360° photo by help of Google Street View app.

You need to upload 50 high quality or good quality 360° view photos, to achieve this badge.

On Google Maps, when you get this, you see green tick on your profile photo.

And In Lg connect you see in your profile.

Meet The Street View Photographer

Meet The Street View Moderator


Trailblazer Badge:

Trailblazer Means Explorer, Innovator.

This is the very funny badge. Because when you are doing contributing on this, you get awesome Experience.

In this category you do a adding first photo of place, give a first review of place

Approve a Place.
And you get 15 points.

Means your one place Approved by google maps, now you add one photo and review of that approved place.

It’s Feeling like a you are Founder of place and also a amazing Uploader.

Meet The Master Trailblazer.

Director Badge:


Amazing Badge!, feels like you are director!!!

Because it’s contain all directions of places. It’s not 360° view, it’s a taking of video and uploading on Google maps.

Mainly Google maps suggest taking upto 1 to 10 seconds video of places.

In video of places you cover all things and Surrounding of place.
Uploading one video and you get 7 points.

Meet The Master Director

Waldo Badge:

This badge is temporary not available.

Means completely finished.

Upgradation of connect 1.0, this badge is removed and new director badge is add.

Actually this badge is available for one week or 2 week of April (year 2018) after that it has been removed from Google Maps.
It was mini game for fun but it was removed.

Meet The Weldo Master.

** Local Guides connect Badges **

How to Contribute on LG connect??.

Your Guide to Connect.

The 5 Core Values Of Connect

14 Helpful Tips for Using Connect.

There are few categories available for giving your Contributions, like

Meet ups
How tos
Local Stories
Idea Exchange

Write your post related to above different categories that match with your content and upload or publish them.

How do I write a post on connect?

How to learn more about Connect.

Before starting of this, I introduce one thing that is Kudos.


Kudos is a heart shape ( :blue_heart: ) Symbol that you show on every post.

It same as you give like on Instagram, here it’s name is Kudos.

Profile Badges:

When you join local guides program, that level you achieve on google Maps, so on the basis of that, you get profile badges that having 10 different colors.
Different colors shows different levels.
Image. .

Caption: Image shows that all Profile Badges of according to levels.

Here I use this image because I haven’t, purpose to help more local guides.


Level Color

1 Orange

2 Green

3 Blue

4 Purple

5 Red

6 Pink

7 Yellow

8 Light Green

9 Dark Blue

10 Black

Standard Measurement::

On Local guides connect, it’s follow One Standard method for badges, it contains that.
For Writter &Solutionist follow this pattern,

1 time

For Friend and Popular Badge follow this pattern,
1 time
100 times
500 times
1000 times

You all are see this pattern in badges.

All Local Guides Connect Badges:

**(**1)Friend Badge(based On You Gives likes to fellow local guides threads)

Yes, you are become a friend to Support local guides with help of kudos.
And more you give kudos more you upgrade your friend badge.

No of times Badge

1 New Friend
100 Nice Friend
500 Good Friend
1000 Great Friend

5000 True Friend

(2)Popular Badge(Based on You Receives Likes from fellow local guides for your threads…)

Yes, when you support your local guides, they also support you.
And Appreciate your Efforts.

They gives likes on your posts. And your popular badge automatically upgrade.

No of times Badge
1 Newly Popular
100 Pretty Popular
500 Extra Popular
1000 Super Popular
5000 Totally Popular

(3)Friend &popular badge(above 9999likes)

When you give 10,000 likes or more than
this you achieve a badge give 10,000likes.
Same you Receive, that you achieve badge Receive 10,000 Likes.

Meet The Local Guide Who Have Above Both Badges.

(4) Writter badge(Basis on that number of post you write and Publish Them)

The Main thing when you write& Publish a post you receive comments and Likes from this.

And more you achieve more you popular.
It’s Very important badge.

No of times Badge
1 New Writter
50 Budding Writter
100 Zippy Writter
250 Influential Writter
500 Master Writter

Meet The Master Writter.

(5) Solutionist badge(Number of Answers you gives for local guides questions and that answer approve by moderators and mark as a Solution by local guides.)

It’s Most Valuable badge.Because it’s difficult to achieve this.

It appears that you are having some mastery in solving fellow local guides questions. And for this, you have good knowledge and Also Speedy Solution.

And also clear& catchy answer.

Some answer are easy and some are different, some are difficult.
So, basis on what’s knowledge you have, you give answer of fellow local guides questions.

If you have a query, and you ask your question, that many local guides and moderators gives your answer.

If you satisfy with their answer, you also Mark their reply as a Solution.
So Many Local guides takes benefit from this.

No of times Badge

1 New Solutionist
50 Budding Solutionist
100 Expert Solutionist
250 Pro Solutionist
500 Master Solutionist

Meet The Master Solutionist.

(6)Professional Badge/Status Badge:

Here, I use word professional because who achieve this, they are work for improvement and development for Google. And LG Connect.

And we also say it’s Status badge because it shows which type of position secured by them.


A person who employee of Google.

Google Moderator:

Moderator means mediator, Stabilizer.

Google Moderators work on behalf of the Local Guides team to help with challenges you may be experiencing on Connect. They support the Local Guides and Connect Moderators who need them most.

How to become Google moderator?

To become a Google moderator on Connect, you need to be a Google employee.

You can find suitable job opportunities for you at careers.google.com.

Above Badges are Earn by Submitting your application to Google.

If you are Selected by Google Team, You earn them Automatically. And it also Depend on your Professional Skills.

Who are the Google Moderators?

Google Moderators work on behalf of the Local Guides team to help with challenges you may be experiencing on Connect. They support the Local Guides and Connect Moderators who need them most. Please keep in mind that it may take them some time to go through all of the posts that they’ve been tagged in .

Tagging Google Moderators should be done only when something urgent is happening or when you need an official answer that you can’t find elsewhere. Do not tag them just because you want them to see your post.

Meet The Google Moderators

Google Administrator:

Administrator means Executor.
Who manage Google program and many other things.

Meet The Google Administrator


Formal Google Contributer:

A Googler who Contribute to connect.

Means those google moderators who leaves the connect, now they all are called as formal google contributer.

Meet The Formal Google Contributer. @YanniY

Connect Moderator:

Connect Moderators are Local Guides just like you and me. They apply the knowledge they’ve gained as active members of our community to moderate Connect and help improve the experience for everyone.

You may see them welcoming newcomers, explaining the program, answering questions, and sharing their knowledge with others.

Connect Moderators are not Google employees, nor do they have any special superpowers beyond being awesome Local Guides.

You can expect that Connect Moderators will be willing to share their knowledge with you, whether it be about Google Maps, the Local Guides program or Connect.

Interested in becoming a moderator for Local Guides Connect?

Here, is the answer.

Local Guides Level 5+ who actively and consistently contribute to Google Maps and Local Guides Connect, following our program rules and 5 Cores Values of Connect.

Friendly and respectful community members who help keep Connect a warm, welcoming and informative place with their knowledge, accuracy and tone.

You may get an opportunity to become a Connect moderator based upon your consistent contributions to the community.

There is no application or nomination process. Keep contributing and engaging with your fellow Local Guides and the Local Guides team will be in touch if you are selected.

Meet The Connect Moderators


Above Google Administrator &Google moderator ,they are Googlers. Difference is Holding the Position.

Here I Include under badges to avoid confusion.

Meet The Moderators.

Is everyone who is a Googler on Connect also a Google Moderator?

No. Google Moderators are available to answer your questions and help point you in the right direction. There are other Googlers who contribute content on Connect, but are not on the moderation team. Due to the volume of private messages Googlers receive, Googlers (both moderators and non-moderators) can’t guarantee a response to private messages. We encourage you to post any questions publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance and are not sure where to turn, we recommend tagging a Google Moderator in a public post.

(7)No More Available Badges(Completely Finished


Connect Beta tester:

helped to build LG Connect as a beta tester.

The Local Guides Connect Beta badge was awarded to Local Guides who participated in the Beta test of Connect.

A few Local Guides were invited to test the Local Guides Connect forum before it was officially launched for public for testing purposes. That’s how they got the badge.

If you visit someone’s profile and look at their badge, you’ll see a description of it which usually indicates how the person earned the badge.

A few users was invited to test the “Local Guides Connect forum” before it was officially launched for public for testing purposes.

That’s the reason how they got the “Local Guides Beta Badge”

But now it’s not more available.

Meet The Beta Tester.

Regional lead Badge:

Google Map Maker Badge:

But now it’s not available…

@iyudhi (Reply to one local guide…)

Why Google Map Maker Program Closed?.

I think the biggest reason MapMaker is not available in a country is because the progam hasn’t been approved by local regulators. In that case, there’s nothing much we can do as users.

Also regarding Regional Lead application, in the case where it’s available, from what I read from one of the posts in the past is that they’re currently not taking new submissions. They will announce it when they re-open the application.

The Regional Leads were a group of users on the Map Maker platform that were selected for their knowledge and experience in their region (typically a country).

It was through the Regional Leads that many Map Maker edits were reviewed as they had elevated publishing rights, and we also appeared in most of the various support platforms to provide guidance.

With the closure of Map Maker in March 2017, the Regional Lead program was discontinued, but the badge remains for those of us who were part of it on Local Guides Connect.

(8)Attendee Badge:

Meet The Local Guide Who attended 2016 Summit.


Meet The Local Guide Who attended 2018Summit and both Connect Live 2018,2019!!!


[Meet The Local guide Who attended All Four Summit/Connect Live!!! ](http:// https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/286)


** Summit and Connect Live is same.

After It’s Upgradation of Summit Word to Connect Live.

Once in a year Google Maps introduce connect live Applications.

You need to fulfill that requirement of Application and Submit your Application.

If you are Selected you got a mail from there side.
After you attend this, you achieve automatically them.


2016 Summit Attendee

2017 Summit Attendee
2018 Connect Live Attendee
2019 Connect Live Attendee

2020 Connect Live Attendee.

Due to situation of Covid-19, it has been cancelled. (Connect live 2020 cancelled)

See this Update.

Now, those Local guides who applied for connect live Receive this badge. :point_down: :point_down:

Meet The Local Guide Who have More Then 27 Badges!!!

(9) Connecter Badges:

Check this,

Introducing new Connect badges for meet-up hosts

New Connector (Hosted 1 meet up)

Budding Connector(Hosted 5 meet ups)

Future Badges:

Actually No One can Predict the future badges.

Because in future there are new badges involve.

So if, in future new badges add, I try to update this post.


LetsGuide Podcast For Badges (Episode 20)

It’s Really Good… Must Listen.

Podcast Language: English

It’s Also Help to Improving your Listening Skills!!!

By Connect moderator @JanVanHaver

I hope your all questions has been Solved.

GMALGCAB(____Google Maps And Local Guides Connect All Badges)


Please See my post and give your feedback…

If need to any improvement, guide me…



What a coincidence @KishorMali , the topic of the next LetsGuide Podcast episode I am preparing is… Badges :smile:

The script was finished a couple of days ago, but I still have to record it.


It seems you did a very long search, @KishorMali , so please accept my small present, to add on your list

There is a reason if Local Guides Summit was called #BestSummitEver. It means that it was the last of his name, but not the only one. The summit was announced before the born of Local Guides Connect, and was taking place when Connect was just a few months old. A very few Local Guides have all the four badges. They are really a part of the history of the Community


Hey @KishorMali

Really you did a long research on this topic. I guess it might have took 3-4 hours or even more to complete this post. Hats off to your dedication.

BTW, This is really really long post. I lost my interest reading this post in mid way. How about posting a summary ?

Hey @JanVanHaver !

Eagerly waiting for your podcast. All the very best.


You won’t have to wait very long for that @VinayKrishna - I have just finished recording the episode. Post-production will be done tomorrow, so it should be available less then 24 hours from now.



Yes, Bro…

This post is over 15,000 Characters…

And I apply my all knowledge and Serch till this date I get from LG connect…

Ya, this post is very long because It

Contains many useful information…

You know about badges…

I give small description with images…




Yes, this is Superb Coincidence…

I hope I cover all the things …

Curious to listen your Podcast :smiley: :smiley:




Yes… I Try to Apply All Knowledge and my serch in this Post that i get from LG connect and Google Maps.

I know about this, but i can’t find this.

Thanks for give me this badge image…

And I add in Attendee badge…

But, it’s now more difficult to add All Badges image because it’s full…

Let’s see, if possible I add… :smiley:

GMALGCAB… (Google Maps And Local Guides Connect All Badges)



Great information post. @KishorMali you have covered all the important badges information in this post. Appreciate with your work. Keep it up :+1: .






Now you easy to read my post

And I hope during reading your Intrest Continuous Increases…

I do some changes…



Wow !!! Very well described. Keep it up brother



Hopefully added in my list

And also added in Combined badges image…




Thanks… :smiley:


@KishorMali . Hello brother .Great and very hard work . And long research too. You are utilities your quorantine time proper way . I appreciate it. Thanks for sharing such a knowledge about badges.


Really you did a very wonderful job… Great search… Thanks…

With Regards

Bijohn, Assam


Adding some structure by using e.g. subtitles is definitely an improvement @KishorMali






Thanks… :+1: