Wonderful places for nature photography in NE Brazil.

Google Local Guide provides me the chance to share images of unspoken places in Brazil of great beauty. It gives the chance to share the great outdoors experience provided by the northeast coast of Brazil to folks all over the world. Thanks Google Local Guide to allow me so great times outdoors to produce such images. Having fun all the time during my hunting for great images!!!

Wonderful place to nature photographers. A small place with plenty of exotic plants and animals.


Hi @acvascon nice shots but there are some same photos, FYI here in connect maximum photo limit I think, that is 1000.

Hi @acvascon ,

You may be new to Connect or writing to share a post for your Connect Live application. If you’re applying to Connect Live 2019 be sure to share a link to a new Connect post responding to this year’s application prompt. You can find everything you need to know about writing a post for Connect Live 2019 here.

Please check 14 helpful tips for using Connect for more information about the Local Guides program.

P.S. I will move your post to Local Stories board, where all applications should appear.

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Hello Karakkan…thanks for your comments. I am newbie here in this plataform then I will check it out the misplaced pictures and delete ASAP!!! Thanks for calling my attention :+1: