it’s my own garden. This time started rain session in india. Whole around the area lovely green grass,green tree,green leaf. Wow it’s amazing seen real nature. The birds flying and crying lovely sweet sounds.
Thanks for sharing your first post with us @Shahjad_Hussain . Your garden looks good.
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Thank you so much
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Yes India is Big and beautiful country enriched with different types of Landscapes, culture, foods, weather in different regions!
I visited many times India various provinces!
What kind of fruits or crops are cultivated at your Garden? Pls give is more information about your place and photo so that we can highly enjoyed your post ! Also you when your write or read any articles pls select your comfortable and suitable language so that you can express your stories, experiences much better! You can easily click 'Select Language" option that you can easily find right top of any post!
Anyway thanks for your great effort write here in Connect and sharing a nice photo with us !
Stay safe and healthy always!!
Have a nice day my friend!
Warm Greetings
from Chittagong city
Thank you so much all dear friends.