Bukit doa ini sering orang kunjungi banyak orang dari luar datang berkunjung di tempat yang secantik ini, tempat terbaik untuk merefresh otak
Untuk menjangkau tempat ino cukup berjalan kaki
Bukit doa ini sering orang kunjungi banyak orang dari luar datang berkunjung di tempat yang secantik ini, tempat terbaik untuk merefresh otak
Untuk menjangkau tempat ino cukup berjalan kaki
Sehr gut, dass hat man auch oft genug nötig
How r you? How is your days going on. Hope you are best.
@Tangahu Alguns lugares também são especiais para mim, onde posso me conectar comigo mesmo, orar e agradecer por tudo que acontece na minha vida. Principalmente quando estou em contato com a natureza, consigo me reernegizar e me sentir bem.
Terima kasih atas informasi menariknya mengenai tempat wisata rekreasi ini. @Tangahu
Selain sebagai tempat berdoa, apakah bukit ini juga menyediakan fasilitas atau kegiatan yang bisa digunakan untuk keperluan meditasi?
Hello, fellow LG @rosanabtl ,
“… Especially when I’m in contact with nature, I can reenergize myself and feel good…”
Very nice comment… I too love to be with nature… As a Photographer, I forget myself, many times…
Appreciate your feeling…
Kindly write New Posts here…
Any assistance, there will be many to assist you, including me.
Greetings from Bangalore, India.
Lovely post, fellow LG @Tangahu ,
Good photo too…
Kindly allow me to express my feelings…
Your post is too short to enjoy… By the time we start reading it is over…
Kindly remember that we are in an international community and we may not have any idea about the place you are mentioning…
Where is this?
Can you provide a Google Maps link?
How can we reach there?
Also, I refer to the information requested by our @NandKK …
Hope you will add more information.
Best wishes…
Hello, fellow LG @RAdhikari ,
Happy to see that you are supporting fellow LGs…
If you don’t TAG, the other LG won’t get any “Notification” that you have responded to.
How to TAG: Simply by typing the symbol @ before the User Name of an LG (as I have done above, to you), you can send a notification (TAG) to the other member. Ex: if you need to TAG me, then type @ followed by TravellerG - then I will get a notification - for more details, click 'Here’.
Hope this will help you
Hai @Tangahu .
Jalan jalan ke Bukit Doa ini sepertinya menjadi rekreasi yang menyegarkan.
Terlihat alami ya.
Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.