Wind turbine @New Zealand

Another thing impressed me in New Zealand is the wind turbine that they installed on the mountain in Wellington. Wellington is known as a very windy town and so this renewable energy source is fitted. According to Wind Energy Association of New Zealand, the wind farms supply around 6% annual electricity generation to New Zealand and 17 wind farms are operating throughout New Zealand. Makara wind farm in Wellington can be accessed and visited. This photo is from Brooklyn. The third time I came to this area, they were removing it as they said it had been there 20 years, so it is time they fix and check it.


Wind Turbine is a perfect source of renewable energy @Sophia_Cambodia


@AbdullahAM that’s great. I think it is less impact to the environment by using renewable energy. Do you have it at your country? Mine doesn’t have such thing!


Hi @Sophia_Cambodia ,

Thanks for sharing this with us!

I love how some parts of the work are moving into cleaner energy. Although others aren’t looking into it because it doesn’t give energy on demand and is relatively expensive as compared to fossil fuels. But the environmental impact can not just be overlooked.

I’m glad in some parts of Nigeria :nigeria: Especially the north, there has been some installations of wind farm though it is yet to be functional but efforts are being made because of the abundant wind we have here.

Are you in Wellington for work or pleasure?

  • @Nuhuu thank you, it sounds interesting! Are they big farms?*

Hi @Sophia_Cambodia ,

Thanks for your reply!

It is actually just a 10 MW with 37 wind turbines that has a capacity of just about 275 kW each. So yeah it’s baby steps we hope to get bigger and better.

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What a view of Wind mill…! I loved it @Sophia_Cambodia . In india , we have annually 10% of all type generation and nearly 43% of renewable energy generation is by Wind Generation according to Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, GoI. I found your post interesting as i am working in Electrical Transmission Utility. Thank you so much for sharing it with :blush: .

  • @Rohan10 @Nuhuu you both are in renewable energy sector, how cool is that! Thank you for sharing with us here too…*

Hi @Sophia_Cambodia ,

Thank you for sharing with us too!

Absolutely cool yes haha so can you tell me about your hobbies and interest?

  • @Nuhuu thank you, I love traveling, photography just anything and of course I am a fan of food :slightly_smiling_face:*

Oh wow that’s really great @Sophia_Cambodia , i love traveling too, meeting new people, learning about historic places, and photography. Thanks for sharing your interest with me☺️

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Thank You @Sophia_Cambodia .

Your detailde information about win turbines at New Zealand.

Thank you.

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Thank you @Nuhuu @BudiFXW for your support and reading my post all the time.


No problem at all @Sophia_Cambodia .

I am enjoying and have fun with all your posts.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.

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Thank you for your support @BudiFXW

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