Will Google let the road lines on the map remain chaotic?

I am in an area where the road line is not suitable.
Many roads have no street view. We have tried making a submission for editing, but the Google map has not responded.
How is the fastest way to make the line display all the way completely edited so its not confused the crowds?



Hello @Pohand22

I understand your concern. As local guides we always want Google Maps to be accurate as much as possible and this is why we work. The road edits may require some time to appear on the maps. I’m from Bangladesh and road editing is not available here, so I can not confirm how this works now.

However, I’m tagging an active local guide here so he can better answer this as he is also from Indonesia. @BudiFXW could you please answer this query?


Hai @SaifIS and @Pohand22 .

Adding road is not easy, i add several times and do not get respond, even only small distance like 150 meters that not far from Jakarta , the capital city of Indonesia. And for adding road is not directly get a quick respond,

other things is do map editing in meet-ups in real-life with four or more local guides ,

The other things is don’t push ypur self too hard, let it go.

Do some review or other contribution.



Hi, @SaifIS ,Thank you very much for your comments and suggestions.

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Hallo @BudiFXW . Apa kabar saudaraku?

Di daearah ini jalan yang digambar salah mencakup hampir dua kecamatan. Apakah setiap ruas jalan ini akan tetap kami sarankan diperbaiki? Terimakasih.

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Ya @Pohand22 .

Tetap di perbaiki, screen shoot keadaan yang lama lalu screen shoot perbaikannya. Lalu kirim pake sarana feedbavk.

Itu selama ini yang saya lakukan.