
  1. winter from forest hazaribagh jharkhand india

  1. winter from forest hazaribagh jharkhand india

Nice picture @Mirtunjaysharma

How do you manage to snap that?

Is that a spider? Or



Nice photo, Can you tell us something more about the picture?

Giving some more content will make your post more engaging.

Please read Uploading a photo on Connect? Read these guidelines first to know how to use the photography board

Please note that I have merged your posts with the same content. If you need to change your original post, it is not necessary to post it again. You can simply make an edit, pressing the three blue dots on your post then clicking on “edit”

Edit your post - Why and How To will give you more details about editing a post


Great photo. Thank you very much @Mirtunjaysharma for sharing with us. i Hope you don’t mind but here are some tips to improve your posts:

  1. If you have a few photos that are from the same location, it is better to add them all into a single post as that would make it easier for the community to read your post and see all the wonderful photos on the same page!
  2. In my opinion, a single photo posted with a title is okay but not what I would consider a quality post. I like to advice people to add more information; what is the photo about, where was it taken etc. A photo with a story/context is much better for the viewers/readers and it helps to understand what your photo is all about and why you’re posting it.

You cam see an example of my post . Let’s Green Map: Tree planting and Vegetable garden in my house.

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Hi @Mohammadalauddin

I have just released your post from the Spam Filters. I would like to apologize for your post being marked as spam. Our filters run 24/7 and they can be a little harsh at time. You can visit this article to learn more: Why was my Connect post marked as spam?