A few words about me
As a Google local guide I post about various things because if I have a good or bad experience about something, I think it’s important to share that. But the best part of being a local guide for me is the ability to share my experiences from different nature destinations. I enjoy it because I like to get out there myself and I want to inspire others to go out and see it too.
I try to post the kind of tips that are helpful for the next visitor. For example, if there is a possibility for cooking, I mention it. Outhouse? I mention it. My aim is to answer the questions someone considering a trip might have so that as many obstacles and doubts as possible are removed. I truly want more people to leave their cozy sofas, go out and experience the world!
Yeah great, but why should I go?
**They say that just 15 minutes in a forest can lower your blood pressure. It also gives you the possibility to disconnect from the busy world and spend some quality time with your self - or with your family and friends. I also think that it’s important for children to experience nature. It’s amazing how nature inspires children to come up with new kind of games and plays. These are the kind of trips that will be remembered and cherished because there is definitely something magical to a modern man in the dark forests, calm lakes and moving sands of the deserts.
I don’t have time, I don’t know how
Nature looks different depending on the time of the year, sometimes it can look different the very next day. It’s amazing how weather and temperature can change the scenery and that’s why you don’t even have to travel far to experience new things. Just visit your favorite locations on different seasons and you’ll see it for yourself. And the best thing about our modern times and nature is that many national and nature parks are very easy to visit. There are roads to take us within steps of natural wonders, guided routes to show us the best parts and websites to help with planning. And you don’t need to go for a week long hike - there is a lot to be seen in just a day or in a few hours if you just Google it up before you and choose your destination wisely. Tempted? Check out my tips for planning your first day trip.
A few words about me
As a Google local guide I post about various things because if I have a good or bad experience about something, I think it’s important to share that. But the best part of being a local guide for me is the ability to share my experiences from different nature destinations. I enjoy it because I like to get out there myself and I want to inspire others to go out and see it too.
I try to post the kind of tips that are helpful for the next visitor. For example, if there is a possibility for cooking, I mention it. Outhouse? I mention it. My aim is to answer the questions someone considering a trip might have so that as many obstacles and doubts as possible are removed. I truly want more people to leave their cozy sofas, go out and experience the world!
Yeah great, but why should I go?
**They say that just 15 minutes in a forest can lower your blood pressure. It also gives you the possibility to disconnect from the busy world and spend some quality time with your self - or with your family and friends. I also think that it’s important for children to experience nature. It’s amazing how nature inspires children to come up with new kind of games and plays. These are the kind of trips that will be remembered and cherished because there is definitely something magical to a modern man in the dark forests, calm lakes and moving sands of the deserts.
I don’t have time, I don’t know how
Nature looks different depending on the time of the year, sometimes it can look different the very next day. It’s amazing how weather and temperature can change the scenery and that’s why you don’t even have to travel far to experience new things. Just visit your favorite locations on different seasons and you’ll see it for yourself.
And the best thing about our modern times and nature is that many national and nature parks are very easy to visit. There are roads to take us within steps of natural wonders, guided routes to show us the best parts and websites to help with planning. And you don’t need to go for a week long hike - there is a lot to be seen in just a day or in a few hours if you just Google it up before you and choose your destination wisely. Tempted? Check out my tips for planning your first day trip.
Hi @hautakan ,
Please note that I have just released your post from the Spam Filters. I would like to apologize for your post being marked as spam. Our filters run 24/7 and they can be a little harsh at times.
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P.S.: I’ll merge your post to your other existing one called Why you should get up from the sofa and go out because they are the same.