Why travelling and finding places in India is a challenge?

The Problem

I got a chance to stay in Europe for a year in 2012-2013 and there I found that google maps work very accurately even if you are searching for a particular address. After coming back, It’s been almost 6 years
now that I have been using google maps in India and still find it challenging to find places. In my opinion, the major problem is the lack of knowledge among people on how to use technology and also the unorganized planning of the towns and cities that are making it difficult for each one of us. Still, several small places are still missing or else their marking on the maps is not accurate.

Why I became a Local Guide

People if lost or find a marking wrong by google maps generally rely on the people they find nearby. Those are the real local guides in that situation. The programme started by google maps named “local guide” is to try finding a solution to a very big problem of unorganized sectors. I also joined this program too and became one of the virtual local guides. I started to contribute whenever possible. The main objective is to serve our local community or who so ever visits our cities for a hassle-free experience on finding local places and save their time and making the world an easier place to travel.