Why should it be a Local guide?

The biggest reason why I have become a local guide was the fact that I love traveling and meeting new places, restaurants, bars, museums, shops, etc.). In addition I have a small restaurant in Belo Horizonte, Sion, Brazil, https://www.google.com/maps/place/Uruguai+857+Botique+de+Carnes+e+Acess%C3%B3rios/@-19.9539128,-43.930899,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x6110efbc67a9e946!8m2!3d-19.9539128!4d-43.930899, these factors influenced this decision, because I saw the opportunity to help other people with my experiences and vice versa, sharing opinions about experience, regardless of where, is always given the chance to choose, research, and improve also the person who is evaluated. Here I come to my restaurant: we serve typical Minas Gerais food and we serve a demanding public, that way it is important to have customer feedback and sometimes the same does not want to expose himself directly, so he as a local guide can share his experience with other people and so goes to help not only the people who do not know the restaurant, but also those who already know and we as owners to improve our services. So a local guide is very important not only as a customer but as an owner and I can observe these two facets being a local guide. Imagine, you can get information from all over the world, be known and spread around the world! It is an excellent marketing tool, of knowledge, of sharing, for both parties. I would like some photos and likns for curious people who want to go deeper. Thank you for your attention! Do not forget to share, enjoy the research, so that your experience is enchanting! AHHHH and come and visit us, miner is super known for being an excellent receptionist, we like to receive, to talk, to welcome! Welcome