Why should I contribute to Google Maps?

This is my real life story which I realized just a few days ago :heart:

I felt that when I keep on contributing again and again, what do I get in Google Maps, I don’t get anything. I come to waste time. But then I saw a man who was going ahead with the help of Google Map in his bike. I got a lot of motivation seeing that man that I should contribute more and more to Google Maps. Because if we do not give our contribution then how will such people reach their destination and keep wandering. We should do this to help them here and there. We don’t know them, but they know us with the help of Google Maps.Today is such a time that one cannot trust anyone much. If you ask anything, he tells you wrong. Google Maps is one that tells it right. If we contribute well. If Google gives you the right information, then Google gives the right information to the people.

I give the least amount of time to Connect. I give more and more time to Google Map and also give :tada:

If I Google you more and more time, then more and more people will be able to help because even today there are many places which are not added in Google Map. If people like us leave this work then people will not be able to help. because they say helping is a great job.

:pray: :pray: Today’s world is digital. Earlier we used to help people physically but today we help people digitally. :pray: :pray:

Charity is the biggest religion.


Hi @NitishG

Thanks for sharing your motivational story. Much appreciated.

When I look at the numbers of photo views I get the same feeling that our efforts are worth while. It feels good to be helpful to so many Maps users.




@MortenCopenhagen I love that you like my local story .I feel like I like real things. Well, everyone likes real things. Everyone loves to hear the real story!

:pray: Thank you so much :pray:


That is it exactly @NitishG we all contribute for slightly different reasons, but we all have the same outcome. We help our local community.



@PaulPavlinovich You are right, the purpose of all of us is the same to help people. :heart:

I’m glad you responded because very few people respond.Seeing him ignore him. That’s why people’s thoughts don’t understand each other :pray:


Your post is excellent @NitishG
The joy that comes from helping someone is not found in anyone else.


@NareshDarji Thank you so much for compliment. @FalguniP @Tejal @VAiV



** @NitishG **

this post is motivation to Other Local guide…

Thanks for Sharing…


@Shrut19 You are right, it will work as a motivation for people. @PaulPavlinovich


Well, I appreciate your thoughts, dear, @NitishG

Since I know your helping attitude, I appreciate this post.

All the best

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@TravellerG Keeping a motivation within all the local guides, it is necessary to bring a post like this , but thanks sir :pray: :1st_place_medal: :heart:

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All the best, @NitishG

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