Why location of some places are not editable?

While correcting some incorrectly located places I have seen that change of location or address is not available. For example MM BioMedicals
Gandhi Nagar, Ranchi, Jharkhand
093045 38503

Can anybody provide me a solution for this?


This place is a claimed business and is managed by the owner via https://business.google.com/ Local Guides have limited ability to edit claimed/managed businesses.

Now this one has set an area of service covering a major area. I’ll escalate it for attention as this practice is improper.

Regards Paul

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Looking further into this @KULDIPS it appears to be an online only business that is no longer trading. Feel free to mark it as closed. I have but it likely will not get applied since I’m in another country :).

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Thanks @PaulPavlinovich for reviewing my doubt. I will try to mark that place closed also.

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You’re welcome @KULDIPS glad you’re there helping keep Maps clean. We need more Local Guides like you :).

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To my amazement @KULDIPS my edit was applied :). Maybe it is because we both did it :). The troublesome place will disappear in 24 hours or so.

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