Why it matters: the most interesting thing I've done as a local guide.

To cut a long story short, I was on my way to home after a long day at college. And then a poster grabbed my attention. It was an announcement of new courses and diplomas for the people who left education after finishing high school or vocational school in a program so-called Blended Learning. As a local guide I took some photos of the details and steps of application and added it to the photos of this place on the map.

Few days later, I was impressed by the number of views those photos have received. The total number of views is now about 100,000 views and it’s a pretty big number for an educational announcement. That made me ask why? The answer was very painful. Due to economic and social status many boys and girls at high school and vocational school cannot afford fees to pursue a college degree. The boys have to care about their families so they join the job market so early working more than one job in most cases until they make a family themselves. The same is for girls or in other scenarios they get married early and again in both cases missing higher education.

But after many years of quitting education, when the chance become available again to get a degree college those boys and girls (now men and women) were highly responding. Many of them went through qualification exam and enrolled in different majors including accounting, surveying, early childhood education, translation etc. my own sister was one of them. Such a great impact really boosted this idea in my mind that what we do matters.

The Local Guides program is based on the idea of sharing whether it’s knowledge, experience or updates. As a local guide your day is made when you really make a change in someone else life.

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