I would love to find on the web https://your.googlemerchandisestore.com some shirt with street view logos, drawings of the different levels of local guides, and similar things, can someone answer why this does not happen?
@HUMBERTO_V you need to take this a bit more serious than this You are asking one question that requires more than one but you should look here Sales and Branding Guidelines another from @NatalieP her post Here and I recomend you to be listed here Hire a trusted pro, boost your visibility
@ErmesT those links should sort things lets press on
I know all the link shared by you @DavidTito , btw i think that in this case the point is a bit different.
Local Guide is a program, not simply a brand. That’s why there are no products branded with Local Guides, or Google Maps, on the Google store
I think I have not explained well. I mean if Google can include official merchandising of Local Guide, I would buy it. @DavidTito
Muchas gracias @ErmesT , me has abierto los ojos.
@HUMBERTO_V I have an idea if you could let me know what you looking for, I will find it for you, I’ve researched this area department before if it is straight for shouldn’t be a problem.
Por ejemplo los calcetines, para hacerle muchos quilĂłmetros, y alguna camiseta especĂfica de Local Guides, por ejemplo. No se qual es tu idea, pero gracias @DavidTito
@HUMBERTO_V I didn’t quite understand your comment… but best of luck.