why i love to review restaurants?

Many times the photos posted by the restaurant owner does not match the reality.

also, one need to be a foodie like me to try and share a review on new dishes.

if i like a restaurant, i will repeatedly go there to try new items on their menu.

For eg: Brownice italian is a vegan pizza restaurant located in the east of singapore (25 km far from my place). I go there at least twice a month to taste the spaghettis that are offered only on the weekends, to try different flavours of ice creams, cakes, brownies and waffles.

Then there is “Smoocht” another vegan place inside a HDB area in the west of Singapore, which is a franchise of Brownice Italian. i never knew that my fav vegan pizzeria existed just a few kilometers away from my residence. i was shocked!! at least i came to know about that after giving a keen look at their business card. i dunno how many such poor foodies like me never knew about it. so i took to google maps to update the same and i realised that its a whole new world!!

A perfect place to add my snaps: the food that i ate, the places that i have been to, the restaurants that burnt my pocket, the foods that burnt my tongue, the places that surprised me with their interiors and pampered my sweet tooth’s sugar cravings.

not just that, i keep answering questions and edit timings whenever i find mistakes

infact, in my google search to find vegan places never showed “Smoocht” on the list, though it is only 4km from my location. it’s because, it was put in a wrong category - café while in reality it is a pizza restaurant.

and that’s how my journey as local guide started when i started caring for minute of the details. today my photos have millions of views and are marked as useful by many which makes me so happy!!