Why I love to Review Businesses and Places of Worship on Google Maps

Navigating through the cities in Malaysia was quite challenging for me, as a foreign student. Every street looks alike, sometimes I found myself going around the same place, over and over again, without getting to my destination. In the process, precious time is wasted, energy depleted, and hard-earned money is expended, which could have been avoided, if there is access to reliable information, about my desired destination. Thank God for Google, that has changed the navigation dynamics, through the google map app.

Can you imagine how many people will be going through the same experience I had, as a foreigner in a new country? I want to be able to contribute to making navigating through cities, and communities more pleasurable and comfortable, for people around the world. Although I like contributing generally to reviews, rating, recommendations for edit, for existing places, and adding new places, but I really love and enjoy writing reviews for small businesses, and places of worship, especially churches.

I love reviewing about small businesses because it gives them an exposure needed for their customers to easily locate them. It is a way of adding value and contributing to the growth of their businesses, thereby contributing to the growth of the economy as a whole. I love reviewing about places of worship, because of the spiritual benefits that people’ stand to gain, through their connection and access to God. The depth of people’s spirituality, morality, and peace increase with their connection to a place of worship. It takes a peaceful people, to see a peaceful society; and businesses thrive, where peace reigns among the people