Like someone very smart said : SHARING IS CARING and he is right. I like to share my experiences my view’s my acquired knowledge … everything … from my perspective that’s the evolution - sharing , communicating , interacting with others mind’s ideas view’s … That’s way I’m in constant search of finding new ways and new tools of expressing my self online and sharing my experience from my knowledge base or from my researches like travels. For reasons that is state in beginning I really like and adore Google Maps Local Guide , I really respect Google Maps quantity and quality of information and data that is having on all places in this planet. I must say also that sharing our experience with some place where we have been no Mather if it’s worse or good it is connection that we establish between ourself , that place and universe. Because places without words are just picture which maybe is worth thousand words but many times thousand words cannot express one emotion that we have in that moment , or smell that we smell , music that we listen … that’s way my adoration for Google Maps Local Guides is very strong , I can make strong visualization from peoples sharing of some place and theirs perspective and feelings that they have in that moment.
There are so many things that we all like to visit , done or see , maybe we are very far away from places that we like to see and visit , maybe we don’t have enough time , maybe … but we all have our Fantasies and that is enough for anyone to visit any place on this planet just reading someones sharing experience and looking on pictures provided from Google Maps, then she or he can imagine and see with different eyes all things that he or she wanted or in some other diagonal experience maybe she or he will change their mind for idealizing or bashing some places.
Either way my experience for Local Guides are great and I will continuously share and write my experiences from places that I visit… because like someone say: sharing is caring .