Why I Love Sharing on Google Maps

I am a curious person about almost everything in life and this is the foundation that pushes me to travel around the world. I love to see different countries to analyse their culture, enjoy their cuisine and to see their natural resources.The more I see in the world, the wiser I feel. And thanks to my job, being an IT expat helped me to move around the world and explore as much as I can.

Along my journey on earth, I want to see and share my experiences as much as I can and thanks to Google, I can keep my memories stored in a safe online environment and share them all with the world’s internet users.

Adding a value to society about the places that you have been is a good feeling, thanks Google Maps ?


Omg :heart: i really enjoy your google maps comments and pictures :heart:

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Thank you, the more you share the more you connect to the world :earth_africa: More to come :blush:

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Great content and pictures!

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Thank you :blush:

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Concuerdo contigo!! muy buen post!

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Thanks @Gordito_Gourmet :blush:

@EsinHezer Nice to know you.

And What is IT expat??

What is your actual Name??

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I have been working as an expat for information technologies project management, from finance to travel tech context.

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@EsinHezer You are more of looks like a Model. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: