It’s start when i use google map first time. It’s help me most. So i think after using map that it’s make more perfect and helpful. I want to make easy life of this planet person . It’s my pleasure that am do something for easy and smart life of my region. Am want to creat many of other platform like a Google map who can help humanity make smart. I always do for smart technology and people who want help in online and offline. When i take some information on google map and other google platforms it’s feel safe my information on google and google map use all information for a people who want. Am trust fully on Google map and loving this . It’s a part of my life . And i want make it’s amazing platform. Many other technology will be connect in future who make more feverable for humanity and nature.
@Harpreetsingh2 It’s good to know what you love sharing on Maps. If this is the post which you will use on your connect live application then it should be in ‘Local stories’ not in this ‘How to’ label. Hope this helps.
Yes thanks
Hi @Harpreetsingh2 ,
Welcome to Connect!
Thank you for your contributions via Google Maps! Maybe this is the post with which you are applying for Connect Live 2019 or perhaps you’ve already applied for it. In this post you can find everything you need to know about writing a post for your Connect Live 2019 application. If you think you are missing some of the points mentioned, you can always edit the post and add them.
Feel free to have a look at New to the community for more information about the Local Guides program, as well as 14 helpful tips for using Connect.
P.S. I will relabel your post to Local Stories.