One of my first contributions in Google Maps was for a restaurant in among the Philippine’s favorite getaways - Tagaytay.
We went to this place called D’Banquet. I have two very young kids at that time. One was only about three years old while the youngest was one. My eldest son was a very picky eater so I had to see every bite he makes to make sure he gets a proper meal.
While doing this, I had to feed myself and my daughter (who was breastfeeding). Other family members are also busy with kids and the elderly in our group. It was the waiter who was there to patiently assist me with my needs - tissue, condiments, new set of utensils, and many more.
I was so happy with my experience that I personally sent a message to the owner to commend that waiter.
In my Google Maps contribution I made sure to say that the staff was really nice. (Of course, I also had to say that their Chocolate Caramel cake was really delicious).
That review was followed by another positive review as I continue to experience kindness in many different places.
I like saying good things about people and places. When I read a bad review or a one star rating, I feel sad for that place. If there are a lot of negative things to say, I just don’t want to add to it.
In every place I go, I try to find something nice about it and then I share it in Google Maps. I highlight the good, and try to give a recommendation for the things that can be improved. I also give a detailed review as possible.
In my mind, I imagine the manager or owner of that place reading my review and it putting a smile on their faces. They deserve it, too!
If Google Maps is all about honesty and truth, then this is my truth.
People are good and kind. People have a natural desire to help.
And for travellers like us, these ordinary people are our angels when they come in our time of need.
*** I was not able to take a photo at D’Banquet that time. But to illustrate the point of people being kind and all, I am attaching this photo with a special story.
*** The blurry photo was taken with my phone. It was a bad photo. The couple in front of us has a DSLR camera which was really nice. They asked me to take their photo on the Fabulous Las Vegas Sign. When it was our turn (I came with a colleague), they probably noticed we are having a hard time taking a nice shot. So the girl spoke to us (her partner cannot speak English) and offered that her partner will take our photo and then they’ll send it to our email in a few weeks.
And they did. That girl is the one wearing a yellow shirt on the blurry photo. I’ll write a post soon dedicated to thanking them ?