Why I Love Photography Sharing on Google Maps?

I am not sure when and how many photos I had contributed on the former website, Panoramio, for the places. Started from that, it was inspired me more to take photos sharing to the current platform, Google Maps, for millions of people who need (included myself, you, and others). Every moment is always changed but a photo of that time we captured it could keep that moment the same especially for places, we can know how it looks nice or has changed from time to time. These reasons, I love taking photos of the places where I traveled to.

This 360 photo I took by Samsung using Street View app at War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco (September 2016). Suprised me, it gets over 1.3M views!!!

If a photo is worth a thousand words, how many words is a 360 degree photo worth?

Sharing the photos on Google Maps not only can help local businesses and communities but also can be attracted and inspired for the people who are searching and looking for, before they decide to see those business places and the communities by their own eyes.

My photos facts on Google Maps:

  • Total photos: 6,497, and number of views: 24M
  • Total 360 photos (around 29K approved photos): 662, and number of views: 8.1M

My favorite phrase in mind before taking photos “Take a photo of any places is NOT focused on the points but focused on how my photos can help other people who are looking for.”


Amazing photos @ChamnanMuon ! Inspired by your story. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Thank @AvelManansala !

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