I like sharing a picture on google map because I want many people to know their place. Honestly, so many restaurants business trending to downhill which is involved in a big competition. A lot of delicious and traditional restaurant was closed because they were opened at secretly or mystery place. Nobody can find them even the people stand next to it. The google maps provided good direction to us and gave us all the detail of building structure. You might find some restaurant that it is hidden inside of the building. I like to do research that kind of special restaurants. They are giving us a cheaper price with the same quality of food compared to some fine dining restaurant. For example, so many Michelin restaurant in Japan that is in a hidden place. The reason why they become so popular because Japanese people will say it to other people that restaurant has what kind of signature food. Even though we have all kind of technical device, some Japanese people still using the traditional way face to face say it to each other. I think the new generation of people likes to use all kind of social media to tell people good or not now. That’s why I am using google maps to show where they have unique food or snack.
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