Florida. Most people when they hear Florida ,their thoughts go to Alligators, huge Lizards, everglades and a lot of sunshine. Don’t get me wrong the sun is awesome but when its to hot, us Floridians want it a bit cooler but when it drops 10 degrees lower than normal ,well lets just say everyone will be having a fire going on that night to stay warm. Florida isn’t all about swamps and alligators but so much more! Think about the afternoon skies with beautiful Pinks, Purples, wonderful blues and oranges in the setting sun over the horizon of the ocean. Imagine on the clearest of days the ocean water so clear you can see the ocean floor ,the water almost looks like glass and the sky so bright and blue in the evening glow its blinding most days but any pair of sun gasses will fix that right up. A nice light breeze coming though the car windows rolled down while you Cruz down to the beaches to catch some sun or watch the beautiful breath taking sunset.
Growing up in Sarasota Fl has its ups and downs like every place. Living here for over 15 years now and I’ve learn how to make fun of what you got. Florida yes its known for the everglades and Disney World but also has such wonderful landscapes and interesting history! At a young age i’ve had to take care of my small family of three, my mom, my sister and myself ,so I haven’t gotten the “normal” family experience but whats normal right? Well I honestly feel like “normal” family stuff in my eyes is spending time with one another and enjoying each others company and have honest fun with each other. Going to movies, the beach. or watch a movie at home eating popcorn. I don’t have that as much but I try my best, but i’m not giving up!
So when I actually get the opportunity to Go do something around town I normally Google what fun things to do that day or google how to get to a place or if i’m hungry i google where to get the best burger in town, but don’t forget to look at the reviews because you don’t want to pay money or spend time at a place you don’t to spend time or money at if its not worth it, trust me I have wasted a lot of time and money at places and I could of saved that if i would of simply looked at the reviews on google. Thanks to Google I have tried new foods I thought I would never try, gone to new exciting places with less stress and helps me out with mostly everything. As a caregiver to my parent that has a mental illness I don’t have anyone teaching me things or show me how to do simple things as such pay for a traffic violation or how to make banana bread, but thanks to google it has honestly changed my life for the better.
Traveling is my goal in life. Florida is where I live and i’m thankful everyday for my family and that I have the capability to capture the experience and share what i’ve been through and the memories i had made on Film. A simple picture can mean the world to someone! A simple photo can bring you anywhere, any time, with anyone. Making memories and taking pictures for others and mostly myself make me very happy because when I get to see places or do things ive never done before while going through something it reminds myself that it is possible to make more memories and experiences so much more outside of this one state! Its possible to escape any rough patch you or a family member is going though. A picture can capture a thousand words, it can also bring so much happiness to a sad soul that needs to be healed. Sometimes some one cant escape there prison or escape their own mind most times But maybe just one photo… Just one picture could help bring relief and positive vibes to that person. Bring happiness as I try to bring happiness back into my life with Photos of things I love. Brings me happiness to give happiness to others.