Why I chose to Google Maps and how I proud to share things on it

The Reasons I Use Google Maps :

I really use Google Maps a lot in my daily life, cause everywhere you go no matter you know the way or you have been to there you might still need to check by the Maps. However, so many other Apps offer Maps for us to use, but I don’t really trust them because Google is always right all the time even in the country is other side of my home.

And also I travel with Google Maps absolutely , sometimes the place you wanna go is not really popular on the web so you can’t get enough information that you need , but don’t worry Google Maps give us a good feedbacks for the Google Local Guide and people give a marks so that you could considerate about your choices.

Why I Love to Share Things on Google Maps:

I post photos and feedbacks for giving information to all the travelers, let them know how is this place actually look like, what you supposed to know about it, how to make your trips more comfortable and what things you can do in here, no matter my experience are good or bad, sharing the truth for all the reader ,it’s always help!

When I know so many people looked my articles i feel excited and happy like I do the right things to help them, so i will continue doing this !Keep sharing my good experience !

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