Why I can’t Like

  • Hi I’m confused why I can’t like some reviews in local guide? Even if I’m trying to press the like button, it’s still bring back to same…

Hi @Mary_X

Are you sure you are logged in when you hit like?

If you need more help, please share info on which platform (Android, IOS or Desktop) you are using and a link to what you can’t like.



Hi @MortenCopenhagen , thanks for concern. Yeah sure I did. I am using iOS mobile and laptop… but every time I am pressing like button for some photos or reviews, still keep coming back to unlike.

Maybe in my settings but just confused. Thanks for help.

Hi @Mary_X thank you for reaching out and welcome to local guides connect.

Your problem is normal, I have seen it before, the reasons might be your weak internet connection, or that you click too quick before the page finishes loading. If this is not the case, give it some time and try logging in again later on Connect, sometimes this lasts for a particular moment and clears after that. To me, it used to do that but it has stopped doing it now. Can you please try these and let us know how it went, if it has not cleared you can report back to us by tagging any of our moderators here on the same post.

Since you are new here, I would like to share with you this post on Your guide to Connect and our 14 helpful tips for using Connect or simple visit the Help Desk to know more about this community. Please introduce your self here by firstly reading how others introduce them selves and do the same by commenting bellow the main post here on this link Introduce Yourself - March 2020.

Thank you, see you around.

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Thanks @Raphael-Mahumane I’ll try it again for sometime :+1:t2:

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Hello @Mary_X


Although the question does not specify whether the context is Maps or Connect, the option of likes to photos on Connect is a scarcely used feature & hence that must be for Maps

In any such event of some feature not working, the following usual troubleshooting steps are a must.

  1. Clear app cache and data
  2. Clear browsing history and cookies
  3. Check for updates

However, it may be so that some specific services installed on the phone or desktop such as Ad-blockers, Anti-virus, VPN etc are interfering with the correct working of the app. Please consider disabling those temporarily & try again.


Hi @C_T thanks for the genius advice. Just did refresh and cleared cache :+1:t2:

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Hi @Mary_X

I just liked one of your beautiful Baguio pics. No issues.

Try again later. It is probably just a temporary issue.



@MortenCopenhagen Now it’s working thanks much for your help


@MortenCopenhagen I like all your upload photos too. Now it’s working.

next is how to follow u?

Hello @Mary_X

What worked exactly. Only by clearing the cache did that trick? Or, did you update the app?
Please note, that clarification becomes useful for other readers in future who may face a similar problem.


@C_T I clear cache, clear histories, refresh, sign out my google account and log in again, then I try after while. In my case, now it work. And really thanks for help and advices

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Hi @Mary_X

I’m not follow-able on Maps. Maybe I will qualify one day. You can here on Connect, though.


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