am not going to give the typical answer …help people, love to write, explore etc etc.
To be honest and after reflecting on the cliched answers, I think I started writing cause I was upset with the service or food quality and unprofessional behaviour of the staff. Shared this with a few friends who said " then do something about it " and I decided to do just that !!! And am happy that I chose the right option as sharing feedback makes me feel like I am doing the right thing. I travel a lot so can impart information about destinations and equate food dishes with the original, especially if its served in India. This instills a responsibility in me and gives me that extra push to find the right thing. I am like a foodie looking for information on new restaurant, hotel or happening events in the city. Wakes me from the slumber of a couch potato and gets me driving down to the place. Thanks Google …I feel alive and happy to contribute