Why I am unable to add or edit ATMs on google maps?

Hey, I am a google local guide level 8. Recently I have noticed that I am unable to add or edit ATMs on google maps. After I edit/add ATM on google map in just a few moment it will say NOT APPLIED. And it only happening with ATMs. Is there any reason for it?


Hello @mohit131 ,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

First, I would like to ask you do you represent the business that owns and operates the ATM machines?

If you are the business owner of these ATM’s you have to go through the Places for Business verification to add them.

See the instructions: Add or claim your business listing.

I hope that this information will help you!


Dear @mohit131 , @Ivi_Ge ,

Yes, for me also not able to edit anything related to finance sector after the publishing of local bank robbery news ( robbers edited bank details to cheat the customers).

But there should be some consideration for genuine editors based on trust score

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dear @Ivi_Ge , @StephenAbraham ,

Recently I was trying to edit a Taxi service Category. Taxi service category was wrongly mentioned under “BANK” Category. But my edit was immediately rejected just because it’s a finance sector. Illustration picture below

For more details about Taxi plz refer our Accessible Chennai Meet up recap


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Hello @JohnPeter ,

Thank you for the feedback.

I would like to recommend you to suggest an edit again on Google Maps.

Does that mean local guides who are not the owners of the bank can’t add a newly opened ATM in their locality ? I think that denies the basic theme of Local Guide concept.

I was greatly benefited personally by discovering my nearest ATM on GMaps when I was in a hurry of cash. Mostly those were added by local guides like us. These days there are lots of ATMs opened in my city which are not on the Map. The bank people don’t care to put them on map. I don’t know they even know there are such options available or not.

If every business owner himself is needed to add a business, the map might not be as rich as today’s. what do u think @Ivi_Ge ?


Same here! I like to find the nearest ATM, but I found 2 close to me that I have not seen on the map. Why I cannot add them?

After reading more carefully the above assumptions, I also assume that this is restricted for security reasons. But why don’t you ask for approval the bank that owns the ATM?

What I mean, is that we can specify the ATM brand from a previously registered list of financial institutions (banks) and then, you (Google) ask them for approval.

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If you own the ATM or represent the business that does, do you have to “add new location” for each ATM machine in your google my business page? That would be like creating new business for each ATM machine. That would also require verification of each ATM machine with a verification code by mail. There isn’t an easier way to add an ATM machine on google maps after you’ve verified your business?

Hey Gona,

ive been trying to figure this out for a while now and found your thread. Did google ever change anything or do you have to have these verifications mailed to the stores and then go retrieve them? As you said their are atms all over the maps seems crazy they have to do a new business for each one. Let me know how you did it. Thank you

As far as I can tell Google has not updated this. You still have to essentially create a new business, and then retrieve the code from the mail sent to the business in order to get individual ATMs linked to locations on Google Maps.

Wow what a joke especially for a business like ours with multiple locations.

Hey @JohnPeter

If that happes, why Gmaps shows Bank / ATM / Bank Agency, category shows in add places. If it has trust issues with local guides. Anyone available please explain it.