Why i am passionate about google map?

My love and effection

Hello local guide I am johar khan from Karachi Pakistan. I started contributing on google map from 2016. When i was at the place where no one who can guide me the way where i wanted to go. That time i realize what useful source is google map and i think why should not help people by contrbution on google map.

That was the start of my local guide journey. In this journey i met many people who think that i am crazy or something because whenever i visited any place the first thing what i did hear was taking pictures and adding information about the places on google map. The main concern of people when they feel my craziness for google map they always ask why are you doing this? What benifit will you get bythis contribution and my answer was always simple and straight “this is the volunteer base program and what i am doing it will help millions of people of the world , the biggist benifit what i can get that i am able to help millions of people by my re - views , photos , edits, uncover missing places and many others contributions”.

The best part of my local guide journey was attending a meetup at “36 walk” hosted by @KashifMisidia. Because in this walk I learned many new ideas which was shared by fellow local guide from Karachi.

My journey and passion for google map is endless and I am very positive to looking forward toparticipate in wonderful event of connect live 2019, because i want to learn more and contribute more for my community, my country and rest of the world.


Assalam walaikum @JoharK

Wishing you best of luck for your connect live application :crossed_fingers:

Shurkiya :pray:

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Thanks kashif bhai.