Hi @AsheeshPandey
There are no restrictions to a user, in Google Maps, even if this is the feeling of everyone (it happen to me too) that have his edit “not applied”
Google can BTW disable Users Generated Content for some period is specific areas (or for some category) to prevent abuse. In any case, most of the time an edit is not applied because Google cannot verify the edit: For more information please read: Why is my edit status “Pending” or “Not Applied”?
Checking on your contributions, we can see:
You tried several time some edits, adding again and again the same photos. The result is that you have now a long series of duplicate photo, related to unknown places. Trying to add the same place again and again, once it has been rejected, will not help the edit to be approved. On the contrary, it may be interpreted as spam. Personally, when I add a new place, I only add Name; Category; Address. If during the submission Google Maps ask me to add a photo of the storefront, I add that photo only.
Adding a screenshot of the website will not help. I would avoid that way
Please avoid to add photos of children on Google Maps. This is for your own privacy, and do not give any useful information on the business listing.
What photos should I share on Google Maps? will give you some great indication about "how to contribute
What do you mean with: “the edit or add of my own business address”?
Is the business yours? If so, the best solution is to use Google My Business:
Follow this link: https://www.google.com/business/. With Mybusiness you can also have more control of your page in Google Maps
Is the business your working place? If so, please read: Set or change your home and work address