Why does a student want to be a local Google guide?

Hello ! my name is Ankit Soni and I am a student and proud level 6 local Google guide based in Jaipur Rajasthan India. I am at the home due to coronavirus pandemic whenever I went to give exams and as well as walking in the streets of Jaipur and Delhi, I try to contribute my single one second to the world. In the given list I told about mother’s coaching of Jaipur Rajasthan is best for one day competitive exam preparation in Jaipur city and So on I described also Shri Lakshmi Narayan temple of Delhi and more. I love travelling a lot, when I am a student I can use my single one second and I uploaded almost 338 photos having 834765 views and if this connect gives me a chance to explore the world I will definately do a lot with great enthusiasm ,thanks.

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Hi @Ankitsoni08 ,

It seems to me that this is your application post for Connect Live 2020, so I will move it to the Local Stories section which is the right place for this type of posts. Here you can find everything you need to know about writing a post for your Connect Live 2020 application. Don’t forget to review your final post and make sure you are not missing any of the points mentioned. If you are - feel free to edit your publication from the three dots and add them.

Since you are new I recommend you to check this topic for more information on how to navigate in the forum. Another helpful thread you can find here.

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