I do not understand this local guides thing!
I have now reached Level 9, and get only a Congrats, Yet my doing so my Google Storage is full and Google asking me for money to upgrade ?
My google Photos is full and do not get important email because of it, also apple account is Full and had to upgrade to 20$ a month for 4 tb storage for all these photos
Am I doing this just to help people? I am Meant to PAY GOOGLE to help them improve their service???
Is this a Hoax?
I guess you have to take part in this meetings
- I use google to stay away from people being people have forgotten that COVID exists, put myself being sickly put myself in danger a lot of times to get the photos for Google maps.
I have Fibromyalgia and Asthma - and I do this so I can let people like me know where they can go to be SAFE from Crowds - So again is this just a way for Google to Make more money and get Free help to make there platform more advanced at the cost of its users??
Just wondering, I will continue because I do like to know if it is busy or not somewhere and where people still use masks.
- Sadly I feel like everyday people care less and less about people who are sickly as they do not want to use a mask or be Vax’ed - Myself Personally I believe and Science - I have had my 4 shots and I still use a mask.
This world is so bad and horrible with war and sickness - and in the time I have been trying to get this LEVEL 9, I see how bad we are overpopulating nature - we are going more places because we want to add places to the map. Some with little care for Wild life, Human Existence and CARE for the Earth.
I started a whole project in the Philippines “THADS PLACE Philippines” (You can GOOGLE it or YouTube ) -
Spent years giving Backpackers a FREE place to stay while I teached them how to dive at cost (- doing this as a big F-U to PADI who exploits the ocean for profit )
I feel so disappointed because COVID made me lose everything and force me back to the USA on Disability
I NEVER wanted Money for this, but if I am going to continue this to help, Google they could at least give me the STORAGE Online or a REAL LIFE BADGE - to let people know that I am watching them
SO FAR all I get is Congratulation and that it - So I ask again what’s the POINT???
Why do I really do this and for what???
My photos have 6.8 million views and no likes - now help taps - NOTHING I feel USED.
If this message gets to anyone would like to ask one question -
This world we live in at the moment we have enough weapons to destroy the world 2 or 3 time maybe more - How do people feel about adding a worldly 2% More?? I know it’s our governments showing their muscle… But what about “US” the PEOPLE - How do we feel about this - GOOGLE - FACEBOOK - STARBUCKS - PRIME all these people who own these companies can make a difference to bring people together in the spirit of LOVE - The words of the song “ONE DAY” Ring though my mind - But will there be one day or with the 2% increase in weapons and a WAR that is getting Little help.
I Do not know what to think about all that … All the DEATH - No wonder my doctors say I have a “General Dislike for PEOPLE” - I want to help but I do not want to get sick, and it seems people could care less about people and GREED is the WORLD POWER.
SO, WHAT - Why do this? To help people who can not even help the disabled or the people TORN by war.
Personally, I feel this connect is not for GOOGLE to Excite people,.
It seems all the Local guides are Foreign, this project as I see little high level guides in the USA
All the videos I look up to find out what to do with this Achievements and all the advice comes from Foreign Lands (not sure how to use this)
I have been collecting so many Photos for “Google” taking photos everywhere I go and Never have enough Data connection to even UPLOAD them in a Timely manner, so they STORE them till I get a FULL Internet connection (one that allows me to Update the Listings and Review) Yet they are uploading to google while I try to make the Post and it just clocks - HOURS AND HOURS OF MY TIME and now MONEY, To Make Reviews … and then I feel my Review are now so late I feel that they are irrelevant … IDK - Should I keep doing this ??
Will there even be a world here after this War to bother …
Should GOOGLE (and all the other BIG Companies) do more to help the people in Ukraine??
I would like to Start a “THADS PLACE”
( You will have to YouTube Thad’s Place Teaching Locals How to dive" to understand)
For Refugees trying to find a place in the USA - Give Free Housing while finding them Useful employment and Protect the ocean
The Citizens of the USA (Being from Hawaii) Forget that they (There Ancestors were immigrants as well fleeing their own country to steal this land from its original people!!
Then they YELL about immigration amd the sothern border and now they are freaking out about the north … what next a wall there too??
Sadly I am Ashamed of this country and I try not to be here as much as I can … But being disabled they have taken my RIGHT to leave, if I want to continue getting support for my illness
This country forces me into poverty and forces me to stay just to get the medical attention I need - Living in the Philippines, Mexico, Honduras, Thailand and others it cost me so little to care for my illness in these places, While here it cost so much for meds and struggle and get more sick while I wait as it is so hard to even get an appointment …
I have been trying to get up to LEVEL 10 so I can have a SAY in something … But feel Underappreciated and don’t know why I do this - Feels like I am making Google money as I spend so much to contribute …
This seems Wrong …
Yet feel like a Wild horse running to a Burning stable!!!
I only started this because I was Accused of Theft at a Store in Arizona (because I was using a mask and they said things like we think we have kicked you out of here before - and I was just passing though there town and it was the first time I have been in that store) so I added this comment to the Maps and seen the comment of others where they seem to do this to others as well to try to make money, So now I check the maps and comments on maps.
THEN then when we stayed at a RV park the resort took our money and then Yelled at us for nothing
(there argument was Not parking on an Imaginary line and they were upset as they had an policy (that I was Unaware of as I did not enter the office to see the sign - This is where a Photo of this on there map could help) Then they had a polocy not to arrive before 1p (we were 15 mins early) - They were not nice and we knew nothing … So, I turned to maps to add this info to their profile so others would not get yelled at by IRATE park owners … SO I got obsessed and here I am LEVEL 9 and spending so much money for this yet feel nothing in return just more data storage to pay for … a Computer generated THANK you …
(if I could help Google MAPS they need to Add to maps your “Car” or “RV” (Own a Motorcoach and still have to use a GARMIN to get from point A to B because Google will not let me know the Roads I can and Can not travel in the RV - (Weights, Hights, and Restrictions) - So I always have Google MAPS up but have to still get a GARMEN to let me know if I am going to take out the RV driving down the ROAD. If Garmin can do this then GOOGLE can to - Add it so I do not have to depend on Multi devices - JUST my Google Phone - but Google Storage is More Expensive so I purchased and Apple as well so 2 PHONES - My apple though I have All Google on it because the Apple is so hard to Share to any other device but an Apple. Anyways all this is so expensive when GOOGLE could FIX there platform to AVOID this I wish I had ONE device that had Plenty of Memory, Great Cameras and did everything all my PC, Navigation and Tablet has to do … I see where they can do this - WHY CAN I NOT Share when I look through My GOOGLE PHOTOS tap a photo and say SHARE TO MAPS … NO I have to go to maps First then SCROLL 1000s of Photos before I get to what I want to post and this Makes me slow in the in a post - and a lot of times I just do not get back to it … Is this the platform where I can help google IMPROVE??? So can someone tell me how to or what to do with this Thanks guys - we see how we go!!!